Table 3.

Examples of Statements Coded as Cutoff, Preliminary Exploration, Further Exploration, and Validation

TranscriptCoding of the Statement
EVC = exploration and validation of patient concerns; Dr = physician; Pt = patient.
Physician-patient sequences with low EVC score
Back pain
    Dr: So, what brings you in today?
    Pt: My back has been bothering me.Patient expresses a concern
    Dr: What kind of work do you do?Coded as Cutoff: physician does not respond to the concern and changes the topic
    Pt: Um, well, I was an administrative assistant as of the beginning of January, but I got laid off, so …Patient expresses another concern
    Dr: So, recently laid off.Coded as Preliminary Exploration: missed an opportunity to validate the patient’s concerns
    Pt: Yes.
    Dr: Okay. Okay. And when was your last physical exam, like pelvic exam, breast exam, all that?Not coded: physician again redirects the conversation, thus response is not scored as Further Exploration; Cutoff coded only once for each patient concern
    Pt: I’ve been feeling tired all the time.Patient expresses a concern
    Dr: How’s your sleep?Not coded yet: no acknowledgment or exploration of patient’s experience of tiredness, but asks about a possible cause of tiredness
    Pt: I can’t fall asleep.
    Dr: Do you cry very much?Coded as Cutoff: cuts off patient and switches topic to something related in the physician’s mind, but not necessarily to the patient
    Pt: Once in a while.
    Dr: Do you feel hopeless?Does not explore patient’s concerns and switches topics; Cutoff coded only once for each patient concern
Physician-patient sequences with high EVC score
Back pain
    Dr: So, what brings you in today?
    Pt: My back has been bothering me.Patient states a concern
    Dr: How so?Coded as Preliminary Exploration
    Pt: When I bend over it hurts, and I’m stiff in the morning.Describes in more detail
    Dr: Do you remember when it started?Coded as Further Exploration of the patient’s concerns
    Pt: Yes. I was moving boxes in my house.Gives more information
    Dr: What did it feel like when it started hurting?More exploration; Further Exploration coded only once for each patient concern
    Pt: It didn’t start hurting until the next day.Gives more information
    Dr: Back pain is pretty annoying, isn’t it?Coded as Validation: validates patient’s concerns by speaking to her underlying emotions
    Pt: It sure is.
    Pt: I got laid off when my company moved.Patient expresses a concern
    Dr: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.Coded as Validation because of expressed empathy
    Pt: I could have moved with the company and continued my job, but I didn’t want to move.Expresses more concern
    Dr: That must have been a difficult decision for you.Again, validates the patient’s experience, but Validation coded only once for each patient concern
    Pt: It was, I sometimes wonder if I made the right choice.Reveals more information