Table 1

Participant Characteristics, by Study Arm (N = 192)

CharacteristicAll (N = 192)Arm
Health-Coaching Arm (n = 100)Usual-Care Arm (n = 92)P Value
Age, mean (SD), y61.3 (7.6)60.7 (8.0)61.9 (7.2)NS
Male, % (No.)65.5 (126)67.0 (67)64.1 (59)NS
Works full/part-time outside the home, % (No.)17.8 (34)16.0 (16)19.8 (18)NS
Income <$10,000/y, % (No.)45.7 (84)45.8 (44)45.5 (40)NS
Black/African American race, % (No.)56.8 (109)53.0 (53)60.9 (56)NS
Hispanic/Latino ethnicity, % (No.)16.7 (32)13.0 (13)20.7 (19)NS
Preferred language is not English, % (No.)12.6 (24)7.0 (7)18.7 (17).02
Education less than high school, % (No.)31.9 (61)27.0 (27)37.4 (34)NS
Had visit with pulmonary specialist in 12 months before enrollment, % (No.)31.3 (60)34.0 (34)28.3 (26)NS
Severity of COPD
GOLD classification, % (No.)aNS
 Gold A (low symptoms, low risk)4.2 (8)5.1 (5)3.3 (3)
 Gold B (high symptoms, low risk)46.3 (88)46.5 (46)46.2 (42)
 Gold C (low symptoms, high risk)3.2 (6)4.0 (4)2.2 (2)
 Gold D (high symptoms, high risk)46.3 (88)44.4 (44)48.4 (44)
FEV1 % of predicted, mean (SD)58 (20)55 (19)60 (20)NS
High COPD symptom score: CAT ≥10, % (No.)92.7 (177)90.9 (90)94.6 (87)NS
Ever smoked, % (No.)96.3 (184)99.0 (99)93.4 (85).04
Current smoker, % (No.)53.8 (99)54.6 (54)52.9 (45)NS
Asthma diagnosis, % (No.)27.6 (53)29.0 (29)26.1 (24)NS
Inhaled medications
Uses any inhaler (rescue or controller), % (No.)92.7 (178)95.0 (95)90.2 (83)NS
Uses controller inhaler, % (No.)65.6 (126)67.0 (67)64.1 (59)NS
Number of controller inhalers prescribed, mean (SD)1.4 (0.9)1.5 (0.9)1.3 (0.9)NS
Types of medications prescribedb
Short-acting β agonist (SABA), % (No.)88.5 (170)90.0 (90)87.0 (80)NS
Short-acting anticholinergic, % (No.)34.4 (66)32.0 (32)37.0 (34)NS
Long-acting β agonist (LABA), % (No.)56.8 (109)57.0 (57)56.5 (52)NS
Long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA), % (No.)51.6 (99)59.0 (59)43.5 (40).03
Inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), % (No.)76.0 (146)76.0 (76)76.1 (70)NS
Correctly identified rescue inhaler, % (No.)88.5 (161)90.7 (88)85.9 (73)NS
Number of uses of rescue inhaler/day, mean (SD) Inhaler use2.5 (1.9)2.7 (2.0)2.3 (1.8)NS
Metered dose inhaler, % (No.)91.8 (168)90.7 (88)93.0 (80)NS
 Closed-mouth technique66.1 (111)63.6 (56)68.8 (55)NS
 Open-mouth technique8.9 (15)10.2 (9)7.5 (6)NS
 Use with a spacer25.0 (42)26.1 (23)23.8 (19)NS
HandiHaler, % (No.)40.2 (70)42.9 (39)37.4 (31)NS
Diskus, % (No.)19.4 (35)13.7 (13)25.9 (22).04
Respimat, % (No.)12.0 (22)14.4 (14)9.3 (8)NS
Number days (of last 7) patient reports having taken medications as prescribed, mean (SD)5.6 (2.3)5.7 (2.1)5.4 (2.4)NS
Perfect adherence, % (No.)c59.5 (75)64.2 (43)54.2 (32)NS
Good adherence, % (No.)d77.0 (97)77.6 (52)76.3 (45)NS
Inhaler use technique
Perfect use of all inhalers, % (No.)e2.8 (5)4.2 (4)1.2 (1)NS
Adequate use of all inhalers, % (No.)f9.6 (17)12.6 (12)6.0 (5)NS
Weighted inhaler technique score, mean (SD)g72.3 (16.2)72.9 (16.3)71.5 (16.1)NS
  • COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; CAT = COPD Assessment Test; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in 1 second; GOLD = Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; NS = not significant.

  • a According to the 2014 GOLD guidelines.58

  • b Either alone or in combination with another inhaled medication.

  • c Report of taking all medications as prescribed in the last 7 days.

  • d Report of taking all medications as prescribed for at least 5 of the last 7 days.

  • e Successful completion of every step of inhaler use for every inhaler for which use was demonstrated.

  • f Successful completion of every essential step required for medication delivery, for every inhaler for which use was demonstrated.

  • g On a scale of 0 to 100, where higher score indicates better technique.

  • Note: Data missing for some patients for some characteristics.