Table 3.

Analysis of Covariance: Objective Communication Subscores in Relation to Family Physician’s Intervention Status

Intervention (n=8)Control (n=9)
Family PhysiciansMean Score (SD)CIMean Score (SD)CIP Value
Note: Analysis controlling for baseline objective communication score. Total score and each subscore ranged from 0 to 100.
* The support score is the only one expressed as a percentage, not a continuous variable.
Building relationships
    Exploration of illness experience65.0 (5.07)57.85–71.6856.3 (11.44)50.04–63.08.09
    Validation of patients’ illness experience79.1 (14.78)67.54–91.3971.7 (15.48)60.13–82.59.31
    Offering support, %*77.8 (n/a)22.2 (n/a).02
Sharing information
    Physician description and patient response86.3 (18.29)71.78–101.5666.3 (19.23)51.93–79.96.05
Creating an experience of control
    Mutual discussion of management plan68.8 (45.81)39.13–98.3662.2 (31.26)34.30–90.15.74
Mastering the whole person experience
    Exploration of whole person issues82.8 (9.81)69.12–92.3458.7 (18.33)49.60–71.39.02
    Validation of whole person issues77.0 (15.97)58.04–93.4349.1 (26.31)33.61–66.86.05
Total score75.6 (14.73)62.90–84.9960.2 (15.27)51.29–72.07.11