Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics of Adolescents in the Third Trimester of Pregnancy, Overall and by Study Group

CharacteristicOverall (N = 84)Home Visit (n = 44)Control (n = 40)P Value
TANF = Temporary Assistance to Needy Families; CTS = Conflict Tactics Scale; AAPI = Adult-Adolescent Parenting Inventory; CES-D = Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression.
* Higher scores indicate greater household violence.
† Higher scores indicate better parenting.
‡ By the Fisher exact test.
    Age, mean (SD), y16.9 (1.4)16.4 (1.4)16.6 (1.4).40
    African American, %918694.27
    Medicaid insurance, %777778.59
    Received TANF in past month, %272627.57
    Lives with mother, %655972.26
    Continuous health insurance for past 12 months, %646068.34
    Dropped out of school, %302337.16
Pregnancy and parenting history
    Age at first pregnancy, mean (SD), y15.6 (1.4)15.4 (1.3)15.8 (1.5).27
    Prior birth, %1314131.00
Abuse and violence exposure
    Beaten or physically harmed by parent, %182115.51
    Victim of sexual abuse, %10910.89
    In a physical fight in past 12 months, %313033.36
    Household violence: total CTS score, mean (SD)*26.5 (19.9)25.1 (18.0)28.0 (21.9).52
Mental health
    Depressive symptoms (CES-D score >21), %34.534.135.01.0
Substance use
    Used tobacco in past 30 days, %10118.72
    Used alcohol in past 30 days, %5551.0
    Used marijuana in past 30 days, %573.62
Parenting attitudes and beliefs
    Total AAPI score, mean (SD)111.3 (14.5)114.4 (13.8)108.0 (14.5).04
Characteristics of baby’s father
    Age, mean (SD), y19.7 (3.6)19.7 (4.1)19.6 (3.1)1.00
    In jail, %1414141.00
    Married, living together, going with baby’s mother, %636463.94