Characteristic | All Specialties No. (%) | PCPs Only No. (%) | FP/GPs Only No. (%) |
CHC = community health center; CMS = Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; FP = family physician; GP = general practitioner; NHSC = National Health Service Corps; HRSA = Health Resources and Services Administration; LRP = Loan Repayment Program; PCPs = primary care physicians (includes FPs, GPs, general internists, and general pediatricians). | |||
a Includes all US physicians who reported their major professional activity as “direct patient care” and who completed residency in 1970 or later. | |||
b International and Canadian medical school graduates excluded because they could not be exposed to Title VII during medical school. | |||
c GPs and osteopathic physicians excluded from residency analyses because GPs generally do not undergo full residency training, and because there are insufficient osteopathic residency data in the AMA Masterfile. | |||
d Includes all US physicians who completed residency in 1987 or later. International and Canadian medical school graduates were excluded because they are not eligible for the NHSC LRP. | |||
e Significant at P <.001 for comparisons between physicians who attended Title VII–funded programs and physicians who attended non–Title VII-funded programs, using χ2 tests. | |||
f Significant at P <.05 for comparisons between physicians who attended Title VII–funded programs and physicians who attended non–vTitle VII-funded programs, using χ2 tests. | |||
g Significant at P <.01 for comparisons between physicians who attended Title VII–funded programs and physicians who attended non–Title VII-funded programs, using χ2 tests. | |||
Data source: 2004 AMA Physician Masterfile; HRSA Title VII Training Program grantee database; CMS outpatient claims file, 2001, 2002, 2003; and HRSA Bureau of the Health Professions NHSC participant database. | |||
Physicians that worked in CHCsa | |||
Medical school analysisb | |||
Attended Title VII-funded medical school | 5,934 (3.0)e | 3,515 (4.5)e | 2,258 (6.2)e |
Academic unit grant only | 847 (3.0)e | 506 (4.8)e | 301 (6.5)e |
Predoctoral grant only | 1,624 (2.7)e | 914 (4.1)e | 574 (5.7)e |
Both grants | 3,465 (3.1)e | 2,095 (4.6)e | 1,383 (6.4)e |
Attended non–Title VII-funded medical school | 4,007 (1.9)e | 1,814 (3.0)e | 950 (4.3)e |
Residency analysisc | |||
Attended Title VII–funded residency | N/A | 3,130 (4.4)e | 1,698 (6.8)e |
Attended non–Title VII-funded residency | N/A | 3,629 (3.5)e | 1,710 (5.0)e |
Physicians that participated in NHSC LRPd | |||
Medical school analysis | |||
Attended Title VII–funded medical school | 1,828 (0.9)e | 1,508 (2.1) | 1,011 (3.1) |
Academic unit grant only | 204 (0.8) | 169 (1.9) | 99 (2.7) |
Predoctoral grant only | 494 (1.0)e | 413 (2.3)f | 292 (3.8)g |
Both grants | 1,130 (0.9 e | 926 (2.0) | 620 (2.9) |
Attended non–Title VII-funded medical school | 626 (0.7) | 509 (2.0) | 261 (3.1) |
Residency analysisc | |||
Attended Title VII–funded residency | N/A | 891(2.2)e | 524 (3.6)e |
Attended non–Title VII-funded residency | N/A | 787(1.7) | 473 (2.4) |