Table 3.

Loadings Obtained for the Hearing-Dependent Daily Activities Scale Items in the Factor Analysis

Dimensions (Factors)LoadPercent Variance
1. Questions objectifying hearing loss and social interaction38.78
    Have you noticed that you don’t hear as well as you used to?0.774
    Has anybody told you that you don’t hear well?0.741
    Does your family tell you that you turn up the volume of the television or radio very loudly?0.695
    When you’re talking to someone, do you have to ask the person to speak louder?0.771
    When you’re talking to someone, do you have to ask the person to repeat what they’re saying various times?0.803
    Can you understand when someone is speaking to you in a low voice?0.689
    Can you hear when someone is speaking to you in a noisy setting such as a pub or restaurant?0.688
    Can you hold a conversation in a group setting when several people are speaking at the same time?0.682
2. Perception of basic sounds26.68
    Can you understand when someone is speaking to you on the telephone?0.772
    Can you hear the sound of a coin dropping on the floor?0.854
    Can you hear the sound of a door closing?0.846
    Can you hear when someone approaches you from behind?0.749