Table 3.

Annual Per-Patient Cost-Utility Ratios Associated With ATSM Relative to Usual Care

Cost-Utility Ratio, $ per QALY Gaineda
ModelAnalysisSensitivity Analysisb
ATSM=Automated telephone self-management support; QALY=quality-adjusted life-year.
Notes: Cost savings were not evaluated; QALYs were estimated from scores on the 12-Item Short Form Health Survey.
a This ratio was calculated as (cost of ATSM)/(QALY for ATSM – QALY for usual care).
b This analysis tested a 10% variation in the estimated QALY gain of 0.012 associated with ATSM in both directions: a 10% decrease to 0.0108 and a 10% increase to 0.0132.
Model A (start-up+ongoing costs)65,167With 10% decrease in QALY gain: 72,407
 With 10% increase in QALY gain: 59,242
Model B (ongoing costs only)32,333With 10% decrease in QALY gain: 35,926
 With 10% increase in QALY gain: 29,402