Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics of Focus Group Participants (n = 46)

Note: Some participants did not respond to all questions, and some question had more than 1 response.
Age, average (range), y61 (48–77)
Time since diagnosis, No. (%)
    <1 y3 (6.5)
    ≥1 y but <2 y9 (19.6)
    ≥2 y but <3 y5 (10.9)
    ≥3 y but <4 y2 (4.3)
    ≥4 y but <5 y1 (2.2)
    ≥526 (56.5)
Type of diabetes (self-described), No. (%)
    Type 11 (2.2)
    Type 234 (75.6)
    Don’t know10 (22.2)
    Take insulin? (yes answers)12 (26.7)
    Take oral medication? (yes answers)36 (87.8)
Received initial education… (yes answers; categories are not mutually exclusive), No. (%)
    From doctor?30 (68.2)
    From nurse?20 (51.3)
    From dietician?25 (65.8)
    From diabetes educator22 (59.5)
    Sought additional information? (yes answers)24 (54.5)
Sex, No. (%)
    Male16 (35.6)
    Female29 (64.4)
Ethnic background, No. (%)
    African American/black10 (21.7)
    American Indian/Eskimo/Aleut0 (0.0)
    Asian/Pacific Islander1 (2.2)
    White32 (69.6)
    Latino/Hispanic0 (0.0)
    Other3 (6.5)
Marital status, No. (%)
    Married/living as married26 (56.5)
    Divorced6 (13.0)
    Separated2 (4.3)
    Widowed7 (15.2)
    Single, never married5 (10.9)
Highest level of education, No. (%)
    8th grade or less2 (4.3)
    Some high school (grade 9–12)3 (6.5)
    High school or general equivalency diploma12 (26.1)
    Vocational school or some college12 (26.1)
    College degree9 (19.6)
    Professional or graduate school experience8 (17.4)
Estimated annual household income, No. (%)
    <$15,00017 (38.6)
    $15,000–$29,9998 (18.2)
    $30,000–$49,9997 (15.9)
    $50,000–$74,9997 (15.9)
    ≥$75,0005 (11.4)
Have Internet access? (yes answers)35 (76.1)