Table 3.

Characteristics of Study Patients (n = 170)

Characteristic% Malea% Femaleb
GED=general equivalency degree.
Note: Of the 170 patients, 3 files were missing.
an=46 (27%)
bn=121 (71%).
Age, y
Self-identified ethnicity
    White or European American71.767.8
    African American or Hispanic13.116.5
    Other (Middle Eastern, Cape Verdean, American Indian)8.75.0
    Missing or refused to answer6.510.7
Education level
    <High school degree34.829.8
    High school degree or GED30.425.6
    Some college or above30.541.3
Computer experience
    None or little52.234.7
    Some or much47.863.6
Computer access
    None or little47.937.2
    Some or much50.061.1