People |
Physician |
Nurse, nurse practitioner |
Dietitian |
Diabetes educator |
Pharmacist |
Dentist |
Eye doctor, eye laser surgeon |
Health care professional(s), specific role not indicated |
Self, have had training as health professional or worked in medical field |
Hospital-based diabetes center |
Insurance company nurse, nurse, dietician, educator, wellness program personnel |
Workplace nurse, health professional or wellness program |
Family, including family members with diabetes |
Friends, neighbors, coworkers, acquaintances, other patients, personal interaction, “word of mouth” |
Classes or seminars |
Support groups |
Participation in research study |
Comprehensive weight loss program |
Health fair or similar event |
Media |
Internet (Web sites, search engines) |
Information from organizations (eg, American Diabetes Association, American Kidney Foundation), other than from their Web sites |
Books |
Magazines (eg, Diabetes Forecast, Diabetes Self-Management, popular magazines—especially health/diet, cooking, women’s, African-American interest) |
Television (eg, “D-Life,” news programs, talk shows, food-oriented shows) |
Newspaper/newsmagazine articles |
Booklets, brochures, etc, from clinic or health professionals |
Booklets, brochures, newsletters, e-mail newsletters, etc, from miscellaneous sources (“in the mail”) |
Information from pharmaceutical company, drugstore, medication supplier |
Information from insurance company |
Library |
Bookstore |
“Reading” or “studying” (type of material not specified) |
“Media” or “articles” (not further specified) |
Nutrition labels on food packages |
Nutritional information pamphlet, fast foods |
Product information (eg, Glucerna, information in insulin kit) |
Atkins, South Beach diets |
Reader’s Digest “Change One” program |
Exercise videos |
Printed reports of laboratory results |