Table 3.

Primary Outcomes: Blinded to Echinacea vs Open-Label Echinacea Groups

OutcomeBlinded to EchinaceaOpen-Label EchinaceaBetween-Group Differences
SF-8 = SF-8 Health Survey; WURSS-21 = 21-item Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey.
a Global severity represents area-under-the-curve, with WURSS-21 scores the y-axis and illness duration the x-axis.
b Because global severity was skewed, we first transformed using Box Cox methods, then adjusted for potential confounders with a mixed general linear model, controlling for symptom duration before entry, cold severity at entry, age, sex, ethnicity, education, income, smoking status, physical and mental health (SF-8), and randomized assignment to the 3 clinician-related groups.
c Belief in echinacea (expectancy) was assessed by asking, “How effective do you think that echinacea is?” Participants responded by marking a visual analogue scale, which ranged from 0 (totally ineffective) to 100 (extremely effective).
Sample size (protocol completers), n183181
Illness duration, mean (95% CI), d6.34 (5.86 to 6.83)6.76 (6.24 to 7.27)0.42 (−0.28 to 1.12)
Illness duration, median (95% CI), d6.04 (5.30 to 6.53)6.16 (5.31 to 6.60)0.12 (−0.82 to 1.05)
Global severity score, mean (95% CI)a236 (210 to 263)258 (226 to 289)22.0 (−18.9 to 62.9)
Global severity score, median (95% CI)a193 (163 to 218)195 (169 to 213)2.00 (−34.0 to 37.5)
Transformed and adjusted global severity score (95% CI)b10.1 (9.7 to 10.4)10.1 (9.7 to 10.5)0.08 (−0.37 to 0.73)
Participants who rated echinacea’s effectiveness >50c
    Subsample size, n3330
    Illness duration, mean (95% CI), d7.10 (5.80 to 8.40)7.07 (5.85 to 8.29)−0.03 (−1.78 to 1.72)
    Illness duration, median (95% CI), d6.45 (4.32 to 8.40)6.51 (5.50 to 8.92)0.06 (−2.46 to 2.58)
    Global severity score, mean (95% CI)a275 (179 to 370)264 (198 to 330)−11.0 (−126.6 to 104.6)
    Global severity score, median (95% CI)a202 (125 to 264)243 (172 to 303)41.0 (−50.2 to 130.6)
    Transformed and adjusted global severity score (95% CI)b10.1 (9.1 to 11.2)10.4 (9.5 to 11.3)0.30 (−1.10 to 1.70)