Reported at least 1 event | 57 |
Understood what should be reported |
Understood | 82 |
Somewhat understood | 16 |
Accessing MEADERS |
Little or no difficulty | 96 |
Great difficulty | 3 |
Could not access system | 1 |
Using MEADERS (agreed or strongly agreed) |
“It is easy to use.” | 90 |
Effect of reporting on the user (agreed or strongly agreed) |
“It allows me to be candid when reporting errors.” | 79 |
“It encourages me to learn from my mistakes and the mistakes of others.” | 64 |
“It increased my own awareness of how errors affect patient care.” | 61 |
“It has helped me to improve patient care at my practice.” | 41 |
“It has led to changes in how we practice medicine.” | 25 |
“It has increased the fear of repercussion in the practice.” | 36 |
“It takes too much time to submit a report.” | 26 |
The study had affected their work personally | 26 |
MEADERS would be used more often if: |
“There were a greater awareness of the system’s benefits.” | 50 |
“I had more time or opportunity to access the system.” | 50 |