Table 1

Characteristics of Exemplar Electronic Prescribing Practices

Practice No. and StructureTypeRecordsNature of eRxNo. of eRx UsersSource of IT SupportNo. of Rx/MonthaNo. of Visits/Yeara
1. Part of an IPAInternal medicine, pediatricsPaperStand-alone4 at site/1 CMA responsibleIPA (through contractor)1,60012,000
2. Part of medical groupMultiple-specialty practiceEHRIntegrated25 at site/2 RNs responsibleInternal department9,839112,000
3. Associated with hospitalPediatricsHybrid paper and EHRIntegrated8 at site/4 RNs responsibleHospital1,17622,468
4. Associated with hospitalInternal and family medicineEHRStand-alone10 at site/3 RNs responsibleHospital8,00025,000
5. Part of medical groupMultiple-specialty practiceEHRIntegrated60 at site/5 pharmacy technicians dedicatedInternal department
  • CMA=certified medical assistant; EHR = electronic health record; eRx = electronic prescribing; IPA = independent physicians association; IT=information technology; RN=registered nurse; Rx=prescription.

  • Note: Prescribers are physicians, physician assistants, or nurse practitioners. Sources were advance questionnaires, and interviews conducted by and observations made by coauthors.

  • a Estimates provided by practice leaders; leaders of practice 5 did not provide estimates.