Table 1

Family Usual Source of Care (USC) Patterns for US Children Aged 0 to 17 Years Living With at Least 1 Parent, 2002–2007

Family USC PatternsUnweighted NaYearly Average Weighted to US Populationb (in millions)Weighted %b (95% CI)
Cross-sectional: 6 groups
Child yes USC
 USC: yes parent(s)34,36047.566.9 (65.6–68.1)
 USC: yes 1 parent/no 1 parent6,8948.311.7 (11.0–12.3)
 USC: no parent(s)8,4878.812.4 (11.7–13.1)
Child no USC
 USC: yes parent(s)8411.01.3 (1.2–1.5)
 USC: yes 1 parent/no 1 parent7880.81.2 (1.0–1.3)
 USC: no parent(s)4,9324.66.5 (6.0–7.1)
Cross-sectional: 4 groups
Child yes USC
 USC: yes parent(s)41,25455.778.6 (77.5–79.6)
 USC: no parent(s)8,4878.812.4 (11.7–13.1)
Child no USC
 USC: yes parent(s)1,6291.82.5 (2.3–2.8)
 USC: no parent(s)4,9324.66.5 (6.0–7.1)
  • Source: 2002–2007 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), Household Component.

  • Note: Column percentages may not equal 100% because of rounding (rounded to nearest 10th).

  • a Unweighted counts represent total number of children, aged 0–17 years, from MEPS-respondent households with a positive person weight who could be linked to at least 1 parent within the household. Total counts do not include 2,049 children with no parent identified in the household. Total also excludes 437 children for whom USC status could not be ascertained for the child or the parent.

  • b To derive the yearly population estimates, each child record from the MEPS was weighted according to person-level weights provided by the data collection agency.