Table 2

Clinical Outcomes of Glycemic Control and Depression Symptoms in Usual Care and in the Integrated Intervention at 12 Weeks

Outcomes for Type 2 Diabetes MellitusUnadjusted Estimate Estimated Between-Group Odds Ratio or Difference (95% CI)P Value
Usual Care (n = 88)Intervention (n = 92)
Glucose control
 Achieved HbA1c <7%, n (%)25 (35.7)67 (60.9)8.48 (3.24 to 22.2)a <.001
 HbA1c, change from baseline, mean (SD)0.50 (1.11)−0.70 (1.32)−1.20 (−1.56 to 0.84)b <.001
 Achieved remission (PHQ-9 <5c), n (%)27 (30.7)54 (58.7)6.15 (2.93 to 12.92)d <.001
 PHQ-9 scorec change from baseline, mean (SD)−0.29 (5.74)−2.42 (4.75)−2.13 (−3.68 to −0.59).007
  • HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin; PHQ-9 = 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; SD = standard deviation.

  • Estimates, 95% confidence intervals, and P values from the statistical models.

  • a Odds ratio (95% CI) from a logistic regression model.

  • b Mean group difference (95% CI) from a repeated measures linear regression model.

  • c PHQ-9 scored on a range from 0 to 27, where lower scores represent fewer depressive symptoms.

  • d Odds ratio (95% CI) from a repeated measures logistic regression model.