Table 1

Baseline Characteristics of Study Population

CharacteristicUsual Care (n = 88)Intervention (n = 92)P Value
 Age, mean (SD) y57.1 (9.6)57.8 (9.4).63
 African American, n (%)48 (54.5)54 (58.7).30
 White, n (%)36 (40.9)29 (31.5)
 Hispanic, n (%)3 (3.4)4 (4.3)
 Other, n (%)1 (1.1)5 (5.4)
 Sex, women n (%)58 (65.9)64 (69.6).64
 Less than high school education, n (%)15 (17.0)14 (15.2).84
Type 2 diabetes mellitus
 Years of diabetes, mean (SD)12.0 (11.8)10.5 (10.2).35
 HbA1c, mean (SD), %7.0 (1.9)7.2 (1.8).51
 PHQ-9 score, mean (SD)a9.9 (7.2)10.6 (7.9).54
 Number of medications, mean (SD)10.1 (5.1)9.8 (4.5).66
 ≥ 80% adherent to oral hypoglycemic agent, n (%)37 (42.0)33 (35.9).45
 ≥ 80% adherent to antidepressant, n (%)34 (39.0)28 (30.4).27
Functional status (SF-36) scoreb
 Physical function, mean (SD)53.6 (31.7)50.8 (32.6).56
 Social function, mean (SD)67.7 (39.9)76.6 (36.9).12
 Role physical, mean (SD)49.4 (46.7)59.5 (46.6).15
 Role emotional, mean (SD)65.9 (46.0)67.8 (44.6).79
 Bodily pain, mean (SD)42.3 (31.4)50.9 (31.7).07
Cognitive status
 MMSE score, mean (SD)c28.2 (2.3)28.2 (2.3).99
Cardiovascular disease risk factors
 Systolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg132.3 (21.4)133.9 (20.4).62
 Diastolic blood pressure, mean (SD), mm Hg77.0 (11.4)76.6 (11.1).85
 Body mass index, mean (SD)33.8 (8.3)34.5 (10.8).62
 LDL cholesterol,d mean (SD), mg/dL96.9 (27.4)95.6 (33.4).77
  • HbA1c = glycated hemoglobin; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; PHQ-9 = 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; SF-36 = Medical Outcomes Study Short Form.

  • Note: P Values represent comparisons according to the Fisher exact test and t tests for categorical or continuous data, respectively.

  • a Scored on a range from 0 to 27, where lower scores represent fewer depressive symptoms.

  • b Scored on a range from 0 to 100, where lower scores represent functional impairment.

  • c Scored on a range from 0 to 30, where lower scores represent cognitive impairment.

  • d n = 175 because of missing values.