Table 1

Characteristics of Included Studies

StudyParticipantsInterventionComparatorPrimary Outcome Investigator Assessment
Author, Year, LocationUnit of RandomizationFollow-Upa (Weeks)Mean Age in Years (Range)Acne Severity Mild Moderate SevereN TotalLight Wavelength: Blue = 4-500 nm Red = ≥600 nmTotal No. of SessionsDuration of Exposure (Weeks)TypeTotal No. of SessionsDuration of Exposure (Weeks)
Gold et al,20 2011 (USA)Lesion≤1.530 (NR)Mild, moderate30Blue40.3Sham device40.3NR
Antoniou et al,16 2016 (GRC)Half-face1221 (16-30)Moderate, severe98Blue126No treatmentn/an/aIn blue light group, 34% more patients experienced ≥2 IGA grade reductions (P <.0001)
Tzung et al,23 2004 (TWN)Half-face821 (15-32)Mild, moderate31Blue84No treatmentn/an/aPatients treated with blue light had greater mean % improvement of overall acne severity (45% vs 12%), P <.05
Elman et al,18 2003, (ISR)Half-face1219 (NR)NR23Blue84No treatmentn/an/aNR
Gold et al,19 2005 (USA)Individual431 (13-55)mild, moderate25Blue84Topical 1% clindamycin564Narrative only
de Arruda et al,17 2009 (BRA)Individual617 (NR)Moderate, severeb60Blue84Topical BPO 5%564NR
Papageorgiou et al,8 2000c (UK)Individual1223, 25, 27d (NR)Mild, moderate82a. Blue b. Blue/red8412Topical BPO 5%NRNRClear or marked improvemente: blue/red: 63% of patients, blue 40%, benzoyl: 35%. P value NR.
Kwon et al,3 2013 (KOR)Individual1223, 24f (NR)Mild, moderate35Blue/red564Sham device564Blue/red: 66% more patients rated clear (IGA = 0) or almost clear (IGA = 1), P <.01
Alba et al,15 2017 (BRA)Individual1016 (NR)Mild, moderateg22Blue/red1010Topical SA peel 10%1010NR
Nestor, et al,21 2016 (USA)Individual12NR (12-18)Mild, moderate105a. Blue/red + cleanser b. Blue/red + cleanser + 1% SA + retinol8412Topical BPO 2.5% + cleanser16812Blue/red + cleanser: 19% improve- ment in IGA scale (P <.001); Blue/red + cleanser + SA + retinol 14%; BPO 5% improvement
Ash et al,24 2015 (UK)Individual12NR (16-45)Mild, moderate41Blue + topical (SA + glycolic and lactic acids) + moisturizer288“Control” (details NR)NRNRNR
Chu,26 1999, NRIndividual12NR (NR)Mild, moderate107ha. Blue b. Blue/red8412Topical BPO 5%16812Narrative only
Miller et al,27 2017, NRIndividual12NR (12-40)Mild, moderateNRBlue/red1iNRTopical BPO 2.5%2jNRNR
Ash et al,25 2013 (UK)IndividualNRNR (NR)Mild, moderate39Blue + topical creamsNRNR“Control” (details NR)NRNRNR
  • BPO = benzoyl peroxide; BRA = Brazil; GRC = Greece; IGA = Investigators’ Global Assessment scale for acne; ISR = Israel; KOR = Korea; n/a = not applicable; NR = not reported; SA = salicylic acid; TWN = Taiwan; UK = United Kingdom; USA = United States of America.

  • a This includes the treatment period.

  • b Acne grade II and III on the Brazilian classification scale. Grade II presents comedones and more inflammatory papules; grade III presents pustules in addition to any of grade II.

  • c Reported here are the blue-light, blue/red-light, and benzoyl peroxide groups, not the cool white group.

  • d In blue-light, blue/red-light, and benzoyl peroxide groups respectively.

  • e Marked improvement defined as overall treatment response of 60% to 89%; clearance defined as 390%.

  • f In blue-light and sham groups, respectively.

  • g Acne grade I and II on the Brazilian classification scale. Grade I represents comedones only; grade II represents comedones and more inflammatory papules.

  • h Total for all 4 groups (blue light, blue/red light, benzoyl peroxide, white light); N for individual groups not reported.

  • i Reported as “1 session per day,” duration NR.

  • j Reported as “2 sessions per day,” duration NR.