Table 1

Criteria for Diagnosing Diabetes and Hypertension: Temporal Trends in Cutoffs for Starting Treatment9,11

Condition and Cutoff1992199319982003Increase in Diagnosed Cases
Diabetes: fasting plasma glucose, mg/dL
 Diabetes14012610.3 milliona
Hypertension: blood pressure, mm Hg
 In nondiabetic patients160/95140/9022.0 millionb
 In diabetic patients130/80
  • a Difference in the number of diagnosed cases of diabetes reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 1997 and for 2009.39

  • b Difference in number of diagnosed cases of hypertension reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 1991 and 2008.40,41 Because these numbers were reported as a percentage of the population aged older than 20 years (25% in 1991 and 30% in 2008), we used the US census reports of adult population size12 to convert to millions of people for this table.