Table 1

Enrollment Criteria for Referral to the SUMMIT Ambulatory ICU

Enrollment criteria
 1 or more medical/surgical hospitalizations in last 6 months And either
 2 or more of the following medical conditions
  Chronic kidney disease state III or higher
  Congestive heart failure
  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Gold group C/D
Diabetes with A1c >8%
  End stage liver disease
  Osteomyelitis/severe soft-tissue infection
 1 of the above medical condition, plus 1 or more of the following comorbid conditions
  Mental health condition
  Substance use disorder
 1 of the above medical conditions, plus difficulty engaging in usual primary care (missed appointments)
  • Gold = Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease; C/D =Gold group C or D; ICU = intensive care unit; SUMMIT = streamlined unified meaningfully managed interdisciplinary team.