Table 2

Mean Days of Any Cough, Daytime Cough, Nighttime Cough, and Productive Cough

Outcome First Author, YearPatients StudiedDays of Cough Mean (SD)
Any cough17.8a
  Williamson, 19843228.6
  Nduba, 200827515.3 (4.3)
  Scherl, 19871517.8
  Little, 200526921.3 (5.8)
  Butler, 20101,23017.3 (6.6)
Daytime cough12.7a
  Stott, 197610310.3 (3)
  Verheij, 19946916.2 (3.2)
Nighttime cough10.4a
  Stott, 1976848.9 (3.1)
  Verheij, 19946912.2 (2.7)
Productive cough13.9a
  Williamson, 19843213.7
  Scherl, 19871517.4
  Verheij, 19946913.3 (3)

Note: standard deviation shown only if reported by the original study.

  • a Weighted mean.