Factor | Content | No. of Items | Example of Item |
1. Teamwork climate | Collaboration, trust, respect, support, openness, handling of conflicts, team decision making | 12 | It’s easy for anyone in this practice to ask questions if they don’t understand something. |
2. Error management | Handling of errors, reporting and analysis | 6 | Errors that occur in this practice are discussed by the whole team. |
3. Perception of causes of errors | Causes of adverse events, recognition of stress as negatively impacting individual performance | 6 | When errors occur in this practice, it is because information has not been properly relayed. |
4. Safety of clinical processes | Observing of rules, information handling | 3 | All information that is important for the healthcare of patients is available to me. |
5. Job satisfaction | Job and workplace satisfaction | 3 | This practice is a good place to work. |
6. Safety of practice structure | Maintenance of equipment, expiry dates of drugs, overall priority of safety | 3 | Medical equipment in this office is perfectly suited to the care of our patients. |
7. Receptiveness to health care assistants and patients | Incorporation of suggestions from HCAs and patients | 3 | Patients’ suggestions are given some thought in this practice. |
8. Staff perception of management (items addressed only to employees) | Feedback, fairness and openness of discussions | 5 | I receive constructive feedback on the quality of my work. |
9. Quality and safety of medical care (items addressed only to doctors) | Clinical guidelines, safe medication handling | 3 | Patients are asked about their current medication when they come to see the doctor. |
HCA=health care assistant.
Note: Responses to items were generally given in a 5-point Likert scale format, ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree or from never to always (with 1 representing the lower and 5 the upper end of the scales). The 25 items that were not part of the 9 scales had either 5-point Likert or nominal scales, or free-text options.