Table 1

Survey Items Relating to Patient-Centered Medical Home Attributes

Attribute2009 Health Center Patient Survey Item
Access to careHow well is health center doing regarding ability to get in to be seen?
How well is health center doing regarding hours center is open?
How well is health center doing regarding convenience of center’s location?
How well is health center doing regarding prompt return of calls?
How well is health center doing regarding time in waiting room?
How well is health center doing regarding time in examination room?
How well is health center doing regarding waiting time for test results?
Health center ever helped arrange medical appointments? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation]
In past 12 months, delayed/unable to get medical care? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation]
Usual source of care when sick? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation]
Patient-centered communicationClinician staff (eg, physicians, dentists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners) listens to you?
Clinician staff takes enough time with you?
Clinician staff explains what you want to know?
Nurses and medical assistants answer your questions?
Nurses and medical assistants are friendly and helpful to you?
Other staff is friendly and helpful to you?
Other staff answers your questions?
Self-management support (chronic disease management, behavioral risks)aAt least 1 of the following among patients with high cholesterol:
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to eat fewer high-fat or high-cholesterol foods?
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to control your weight or lose weight?
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to increase your physical activity or exercise?
At least 1 of the following among patients with high blood pressure:
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…go on a diet or change eating habits to help lower blood pressure?
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…cut down on salt or sodium in diet?
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…exercise?
 Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…cut down on alcohol use?
 During last 6 months, received a telephone call to teach how to take care of high blood pressure?
 During last 6 months, received an appointment with a nurse call to teach how to take care of high blood pressure?
 During last 6 months, received a visit to teach how to take care of high blood pressure?
 Any doctor or nurse given a plan to manage own care at home?
At least 1 of the following among patients with diabetes:
 During last 6 months, received a telephone call to teach how to take care of diabetes?
 During last 6 months, received an appointment with a nurse call to teach how to take care of diabetes?
 During last 6 months, received a visit to teach how to take care of diabetes?
 Any doctor or nurse given a plan to manage own care at home?
In past 12 months, anyone at health center talk to you about the health risks of smoking and ways to quit?
Either of the following among patients who are current drinkers:
 In past 12 months, discussed alcohol use with your doctor?
 In past 12 months, doctor asked you about alcohol use?
Either of the following among patients who used drugs in past year:
 In past 12 months, discussed drug use with your doctor?
 In past 12 months, doctor asked you about drug use?
Comprehensive careaMost recent Papanicolaou test?
Most recent mammogram?
Most recent colorectal cancer screening (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, proctoscopy, blood stool test)?
  • a Excluded from factor analysis because items are disease or population specific.