Attribute | 2009 Health Center Patient Survey Item |
Access to care | How well is health center doing regarding ability to get in to be seen? |
How well is health center doing regarding hours center is open? | |
How well is health center doing regarding convenience of center’s location? | |
How well is health center doing regarding prompt return of calls? | |
How well is health center doing regarding time in waiting room? | |
How well is health center doing regarding time in examination room? | |
How well is health center doing regarding waiting time for test results? | |
Health center ever helped arrange medical appointments? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation] | |
In past 12 months, delayed/unable to get medical care? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation] | |
Usual source of care when sick? [excluded from factor analysis because of low correlation] | |
Patient-centered communication | Clinician staff (eg, physicians, dentists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners) listens to you? |
Clinician staff takes enough time with you? | |
Clinician staff explains what you want to know? | |
Nurses and medical assistants answer your questions? | |
Nurses and medical assistants are friendly and helpful to you? | |
Other staff is friendly and helpful to you? | |
Other staff answers your questions? | |
Self-management support (chronic disease management, behavioral risks)a | At least 1 of the following among patients with high cholesterol: |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to eat fewer high-fat or high-cholesterol foods? | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to control your weight or lose weight? | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional…to increase your physical activity or exercise? | |
At least 1 of the following among patients with high blood pressure: | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…go on a diet or change eating habits to help lower blood pressure? | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…cut down on salt or sodium in diet? | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…exercise? | |
Ever been told by a doctor or other health professional to…cut down on alcohol use? | |
During last 6 months, received a telephone call to teach how to take care of high blood pressure? | |
During last 6 months, received an appointment with a nurse call to teach how to take care of high blood pressure? | |
During last 6 months, received a visit to teach how to take care of high blood pressure? | |
Any doctor or nurse given a plan to manage own care at home? | |
At least 1 of the following among patients with diabetes: | |
During last 6 months, received a telephone call to teach how to take care of diabetes? | |
During last 6 months, received an appointment with a nurse call to teach how to take care of diabetes? | |
During last 6 months, received a visit to teach how to take care of diabetes? | |
Any doctor or nurse given a plan to manage own care at home? | |
In past 12 months, anyone at health center talk to you about the health risks of smoking and ways to quit? | |
Either of the following among patients who are current drinkers: | |
In past 12 months, discussed alcohol use with your doctor? | |
In past 12 months, doctor asked you about alcohol use? | |
Either of the following among patients who used drugs in past year: | |
In past 12 months, discussed drug use with your doctor? | |
In past 12 months, doctor asked you about drug use? | |
Comprehensive carea | Most recent Papanicolaou test? |
Most recent mammogram? | |
Most recent colorectal cancer screening (sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, proctoscopy, blood stool test)? |
↵a Excluded from factor analysis because items are disease or population specific.