Table 2

Primary Care Physicians’ Ratings of Ambulatory Care–Sensitive Hospitalizations (N=104)

Attributed CausesaPotentially Avoidable No. (%)Not Avoidable No. (%)
Total43 (41)61 (59)
System level19 (63)11 (37)
 Absence of treating physician7 (70)3 (30)
 Unavailability of ambulatory services5 (50)5 (50)
 Failure to utilize ambulatory services7 (88)3 (12)
Physician level12 (38)20 (62)
 Diagnostic uncertainty2 (25)6 (75)
 Ambulatory treatment failure4 (24)13 (76)
 Suboptimal monitoring6 (86)1 (14)
Medical19 (19)82 (81)
 Medication side effects1 (17)5 (83)
 Medical emergency0 (0)33 (100)
 Somatic comorbidity9 (24)29 (76)
 Psychiatric comorbidity3 (33)6 (67)
 Substance abuse2 (33)4 (67)
 Fall4 (44)5 (56)
Patient level45 (54)38 (46)
 Fearfulness7 (64)4 (37)
 Cultural background5 (56)4 (45)
 Insufficient language skills6 (67)3 (33)
 Delayed help seeking5 (71)2 (29)
 Medication error4 (100)0
 Medication nonadherence11 (52)10 (48)
 Nonmedication nonadherence6 (38)10 (63)
 Cognitive impairment1 (17)5 (83)
Social level9 (45)11(55)
 Lack of social support5 (46)6 (55)
 Overprotective caregiver3 (75)1 (25)
 Overstrained caregiver1 (20)4 (80)
  • a Multiple causes could be attributed to each ambulatory care–sensitive hospitalization.