Table 3

Adjusted Associations of Patient Characteristics and Pharmacy Use With Vaccination During Off-Clinic Hours

CharacteristicOdds Ratioa95% CI
Age categoryb
 <65 yearsReferent
 ≥65 years0.447c0.445–0.449
Population density of patient addressd
 Small town1.0080.992–1.024
Chronic conditionse
Insurance status
State-level pharmacist privilege
 All CDC recommendedf1.044c1.040–1.049
 Selected CDC recommendedReferent
Vaccination typeg
 CDC recommendedReferent
Number of vaccines during year
Pharmacy use
 Vaccination onlyReferent
 Vaccination and prescription(s)1.0000.994–1.005
  • CDC = Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • a From logistic regression analysis; adjusted for all other covariates.

  • b Calculated from patient’s age on date of vaccination.

  • c Statistically significant.

  • d Determined from patient zip code and Rural Urban Community Area Codes (RUCA).18

  • e Determined from Medical Condition Codes ascertained from patient prescriptions for chronic medications.

  • f Authorized per protocol or with patient-specific prescription for CDC-recommended vaccines.

  • g Vaccinations offered included influenza; herpes zoster (shingles); pneumonia; tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap); typhoid; hepatitis A and/or B (hepatitis); human papillomavirus (HPV); meningitis; measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR); varicella zoster (chicken pox); yellow fever; rabies; polio; and Japanese encephalitis.

  • Source: Walgreens pharmacy claims data, August 2011 through July 2012.