Table 2

Buprenorphine Prescribing Status by Specialty, Practice Size, and Partner Waiver Status

CharacteristicDoes Not Prescribe Buprenorphine (n = 56) No. (%)Prescribes Buprenorphine (n = 22) No. (%)All Physician Respondents (N = 78) No. (%)P Valuea
Physician specialty.05
Family medicine42 (75)21 (95)63 (81)
Other14 (25) 1 (5)15 (19)
Number of physicians
Mean practice size13.9 9.012.4ns
 1 (solo) 7 (12) 3 (14)10 (13)
 2–921 (38)13 (59)34 (44)
 10–4921 (38) 6 (27)27 (35)
 >49 6 (11) 0 (0) 6 (8)
 Missing 1 (2) 0 (0) 1 (1)
Other physicians in trainee’s practice
Number known to have waivers.006
 0, unknown, or NAb37 (66) 7 (32)44 (56)
 Any19 (34)15 (68)34 (44)
 Meana 0.8 1.8 1.1.04
 027 (48) 6 (27)33 (42)
 111 (20) 7 (32)18 (23)
 2–5 6 (11) 6 (27)12 (15)
 >5 2 (4) 2 (9) 4 (5)
 Responded unknown or NA10 (18) 1 (5)11 (14)
  • NA = not applicable; ns = not significant.

  • a Computed using Fisher’s exact text.

  • b Three cases excluded because they reported number of physicians in the multiclinic system rather than for 1 clinic.