Table 3

Patient Quality Measures Before and After the Intervention

Patient-Reported MeasureBefore, %After, %a
Have you had your hemoglobin A1c (a test of how much sugar is in your blood) checked in the last 6 months?92.495.9
Has your doctor checked your feet in the last 6 months?76.589.7
When you see your doctor, is your blood pressure checked?99.699.8
Do you know your goal blood pressure (the blood pressure you should have for good health)?77.085.9
Has your doctor tested your urine for signs of diabetic kidney disease this year?77.287.4
Have you had an eye exam by an eye care professional in the last 12 months?69.579.4
If you smoke, has your doctor talked to you about quitting?91.195.2
Have you had your cholesterol checked in the past year?94.096.6
  • a All significant at P <.01.