Table 2

Sensitivity and Specificity of Questions for Detecting Increased Risk of Conditions Applicable to Both Sexes

QuestionHeart DiseaseType 2 DiabetesMelanomaColorectal Cancer
195 (80/84)a15 (62/420)a92 (106/115)a15 (57/386)a91 (48/53)14 (61/387)90 (28/31)13 (63/476)
288 (76/86)a81 (352/434)a44(52/119)a73 (290/398)a26 (14/40)69 (318/462)35 (12/34)70 (341/489)
3a0 (0/83)97 (398/412)4 (5/113)98 (370/379)0 (0/52)97 (425/439)3 (1/32)97 (453/466)
3b0 (0/82)99 (399/400)0 (0/108)99 (370/371)0 (0/52)99 (425/426)0 (0/32)99 (452/453)
447 (41/87)a66 (286/434)a92 (111/120)a81 (322/398)a33 (18/54)64 (295/463)62 (21/34)a66 (322/490)a
5a1 (1/82)98 (403/410)5 (5/111)a99 (375/378)a0 (0/53)98 (427/435)3 (1/31)98 (457/464)
5b2 (2/81)a99 (407/408)a3 (3/109)a100 (377/377)a0 (0/53)99 (429/432)0 (0/31)99 (458/461)
5c1 (1/82)99 (406/409)3 (3/110)a99 (377/378)a0 (0/53)99 (430/434)3 (1/32)99 (459/462)
5d2 (2/80)98 (404/411)4 (4/111)99 (373/378)0 (0/53)98 (426/435)0 (0/31)98 (455/464)
69 (8/86)a97 (415/430)a6 (7/120)96 (376/393)4 (2/54)96 (438/458)3 (1/33)95 (463/486)
78 (7/87)95(409/429)8 (9/118)95 (376/395)2 (1/53)94 (432/459)12 (4/34)95 (461/485)
821 (18/86)74 (318/429)24 (29/119)75 (294/393)94 (51/54)a84 (383/457)a32 (11/34)75 (365/484)
98 (7/87)90 (384/429)16 (19/117)a92 (363/396)a13 (7/53)90 (413/459)12 (4/34)90 (436/485)
1013 (11/85)90 (388/432)13 (15/103)90 (356/396)13 (7/54)89 (410/459)6 (2/34)89 (432/486)
116 (5/87)96 (416/432)2 (3/120)72 (334/467)6 (3/54)9 6 (4 43/461)3 (1/34)96 (468/488)
1210 (9/86)93 (399/428)8 (9/118)93 (364/393)7 (4/54)93 (422/456)44 (15/34)a95 (460/483)a
137 (6/85)93 (400/431)7 (8/118)93 (366/395)2 (1/53)92 (423/459)53 (18/34)a96 (466/485)a
1456 (49/87)45 (193/429)53 (63/118)44 (175/395)72 (39/54)a47 (396/456)a82 (28/34)a47 (226/485)a
1511 (9/85)86 (370/429)11 (13/118)86 (338/393)17 (9/54)87 (396/456)29 (10/34)a88 (424/483)a
  • Notes: Values are expressed as percent (numerator/denominator); within each cell, top values are for sensitivity and bottom values are for specificity.

  • a Questions significantly associated with increased risk in univariate analysis.