Table 4

Readiness to Change, Desire to Discuss with Provider, and Importance Rating for Each Risk Factor

Health Risk FactorsRespondents at Risk, No.Ready to Change, No. (%)aDesire to Discuss With Provider, No. (%)aRated Most Important of Factors Ready to Change, No. (%)b
Health behavior risk factors
 Any dietary factor1,456405 (27.8)161 (11.1)100/405 (24.7)
 Fast food862190 (22.0)73 (8.5)17/90 (9.0)
 Fruits and vegetables1321361 (27.3)139 (10.5)73/361 (20.2)
 Sugary beverages652120 (18.4)48 (7.4)10/120 (8.3)
 Physical activity1,118300 (26.8)145 (13.0)86/300 (28.7)
 Sleep69986 (8.6)96 (9.6)14/86 (16.3)
 Alcohol intake36271 (19.6)37 (10.2)5/71 (7.0)
 Tobacco use36168 (18.8)49 (13.4)21/68 (30.9)
 Illegal drug use or prescription drug abuse4510 (22.2)9 (20)2/10 (20.0)
Psychosocial risk factors
 Anxiety or worry23253 (22.8)82 (35.3)19/53 (35.9)
 Depression12438 (30.7)52 (41.9)10/38 (26.3)
 Stress930209 (22.5)210 (22.6)65/209 (31.1)
General health risk factors
 Body mass index1,260420 (33.3)295 (23.4)242/420 (57.6)
 Overall health status723172 (23.8)125 (17.3)114/172 (66.3)
  • a The denominator for each health factor is the individuals classified as “at risk” for the factor who responded to the Ready to Change or Desire to Discuss with Provider questions (n=1,575).

  • b The denominator for each health factor is the individuals classified as “at risk” for the factor who were said they were ready to change their risk for the factor; ie, the number given in the Ready to Change column.