Table 3

Characteristics of Participants, Overall and by Clinic Site

CharacteristicAll Participants (N = 441)Clinic Site
Clinic Site A (n = 332)Clinic Site B (n = 109)P Value
Demographic characteristics
Age, mean (SD), y52.7 (11.1)52.3 (11.3)54.0 (10.5).18
Sex (female), % (No.)55.3 (244)53.3 (177)61.5 (67).14
Born in the United States, % (No.)25.6 (113)6.0 (20)85.3 (93)<.001
Primary language, % (No.)<.001
 English27.7 (122)7.8 (26)88.1 (96)
 Spanish68.7 (303)89.5 (297)5.5 (6)
 Other3.6 (16)2.7 (9)6.4 (7)
Race/ethnicity, % (No.)<.001
 Asian4.1 (18)3.3 (11)6.4 (7)
 African American19.0 (84)1.8 (6)71.6 (78)
 Latino or Hispanic70.1 (309)90.7 (30)7.3 (8)
 White2.5 (11)1.5 (5)5.5 (6)
 Other4.3 (19)2.7 (9)9.2 (10)
Working status, % (No.)<.001
 Full time18.6 (82)22.0 (73)8.3 (9)
 Part time25.6 (113)28.0 (93)18.3 (20)
 Homemaker13.8 (61)16.9 (56)4.6 (5)
 Unemployed16.1 (71)13.6 (45)23.9 (26)
 Retired/disabled/SSI/other25.9 (114)19.5 (65)44.9 (49)
Education, % (No.)<.001
 ≤5th grade22.7 (100)29.6 (98)1.8 (2)
 6th to 8th grade21.1 (93)27.1 (90)2.8 (3)
 Some high school13.4 (59)11.1 (37)20.2 (22)
 High school graduate or GED17.7 (78)14.2 (47)28.4 (31)
 Some college15.6 (69)9.9 (33)33.0 (36)
 College graduate9.5 (42)8.1 (27)13.8 (15)
Income, % (No.).52
 ≤$5,00034.0 (150)33.7 (112)34.9 (38)
 $5,000–$10,00024.3 (107)23.8 (79)25.7 (28)
 $10,000–$20,00029.5 (130)31.0 (103)24.8 (27)
 ≥$20,00012.2 (54)11.4 (38)14.7 (16)
Clinical characteristics
BMI, mean (SD), kg/m231.4 (6.7)30.6 (4.7)34.0 (10.2)<.001
HbA1c, mean (SD), %a9.9 (1.5)9.8 (1.4)10.3 (1.9).17
LDL cholesterol, mean (SD), mg/dLa147.0 (35.6)147.3 (36.7)145.2 (28.9).75
SBP, mean (SD), mm Hga159.4 (15.4)158.3 (13.5)160.9 (17.5).25
Number of PCP visits in year before study, mean (SD)5.4 (4.1)5.2 (3.5)6.1 (5.5)<.05
Number of coach interactions, mean (SD)12.4 (7.4)14.1 (6.7)7.6 (7.2)<.001
Total time interaction, mean (SD), min540.8 (307.6)621.1 (281.1)305.5 (258.7)<.001
Number of interactions by topic/activity addressed, mean (SD)
 Medications9.3 (6.0)11.0 (5.4)4.1 (4.6)<.001
 Reviewing clinical values and goals7.4 (4.6)8.4 (3.9)4.5 (5.2)<.001
 Discussing lifestyle changes7.4 (5.0)9.1 (4.3)2.1 (2.2)<.001
 Agenda setting5.7 (4.3)7.1 (4.1)1.7 (1.9)<.001
 Navigational support5.1 (5.1)6.4 (5.3)1.5 (1.8)<.001
 Action plans for behavior change4.2 (3.2)5.1 (2.9)1.6 (2.3)<.001
 Facilitating communication with PCP3.3 (3.8)4.0 (4.1)1.1 (1.5)<.001
 Closing the loop (teach back)5.3 (3.6)6.1 (3.3)2.8 (3.4)<.001
Patient-reported quality of health-coaching interactions, mean (SD)b3.3 (0.7)3.4 (0.5)2.8 (0.9)<.001
Patient-reported trust in health coach, mean (SD)c4.1 (0.5)4.1 (0.5)3.9 (0.7)<.005
  • BMI = body mass index; GED = general equivalency diploma; HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; PCP = primary care physician; SBP = systolic blood pressure; SSI = supplemental security income.

  • a Includes only patients qualifying for the study on this measure (158 for HbA1c, 218 for LDL cholesterol, and 192 for SBP).

  • b On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 = best.

  • c On a scale of 1 to 5, where 5 = high.