Table 1

Characteristics of Noninterviewed and Interviewed Patients With a Diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence, by Assessment and Sex

(n = 2,012 Men; n = 2,515 Women)
(n = 3,449 Men; n = 5,027 Women)
Diagnosis by GPDiagnosis by GP OnlyDiagnosis by GP and CIDIDiagnosis by CIDI Only
CharacteristicMaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemaleMaleFemaleP ValuebP Valuec
12-mo prevalence, % (95% CI)6.1 (5.1–7.2)2.0 (1.4–2.5)5.6 (4.8–6.3)1.9 (1.5–2.2)3.1 (2.5–3.7)0.6 (0.4–0.8)5.9 (5.1–6.7)2.4 (1.9–2.8)
Age, mean (SD), y51.0 (10.1)50.1 (10.2)50.9 (10.9)50.1 (12.1)49.8 (11.7)48.8 (12.1)38.3 (13.2)38.2 (13.5)<.0001d<.0001d
SES, self-classified, % (95% CI)
 Above averageNANA5.3 (2.1–8.4)7.9 (2.6–13.3)10.8 (4.7–16.8)10.5 (0.0–21.8)9.7 (5.6–13.8)12.2 (6.3–18.1)
 AverageNANA58.8 (52.1–65.5)50.6 (40.9–60.2)48.5 (39.3–57.7)38.5 (21.4–55.6)61.0 (54.3–67.8)66.6 (58.1–75.1)
 Below averageNANA36.0 (29.4–42.5)41.5 (31.9–51.1)40.7 (31.7–49.8)51.0 (33.0–68.9)29.3 (23.0–35.6)21.2 (13.9–28.6).0219.0033
Unemployed for health or other reason, % (95% CI)NANA27.8 (21.9–33.8)36.6 (27.4–45.8)34.0 (25.4–42.7)38.9 (21.4–56.4)15.6 (10.5–20.6)17.3 (10.5–24.1).0021e<.0001d
Smoking (GP and self), % (95% CI)70.0 (61.3–78.7)68.1 (54.5–81.7)59.9 (53.3–66.5)54.3 (44.6–63.9)69.1 (60.5–77.8)76.9 (61.6–92.2)58.8 (51.9–65.6)47.4 (38.3–56.4).0010e.0546
BMI (GP), mean (SD)26.2 (5.0)26.2 (5.9)27.2 (6.7)27.0 (5.8)25.8 (4.8)24.7 (6.3)26.0 (4.5)23.4 (4.8).0072.0697
Hypertension (GP), % (95% CI)34.2 (25.6–42.7)54.0 (39.9–68.1)45.2 (38.6–51.9)45.0 (35.4–54.6)43.7 (34.7–52.8)54.4 (36.5–72.2)19.1 (13.6–24.6)12.0 (6.3–17.7).0623.0005d
Liver problems (GP), % (95% CI)25.8 (17.9–33.8)24.0 (12.0–36.0)19.5 (14.1–24.8)20.4 (12.4–28.5)32.2 (23.6–40.8)20.0 (6.0–33.9)1.6 (0.0–3.4)0.8 (0.0–2.2)<.0001d<.0001d
Depression (GP), % (95% CI)15.8 (9.2–22.4)22.0 (10.3–33.7)10.9 (6.7–15.1)18.6 (10.8–26.4)27.3 (19.2–35.5)19.9 (5.4–34.4)7.2 (3.6–10.7)14.2 (7.6–20.8).0002d.7108
Anxiety (GP), % (95% CI)24.2 (16.4–31.9)40.0 (26.2–53.8)16.8 (11.9–21.8)20.3 (12.7–27.8)32.0 (23.4–40.6)33.1 (16.2–50.0)10.2 (6.0–14.4)19.0 (11.7–26.4)<.0001d.4873
 Above cutoff for serious mental distress, % (95% CI)NANA8.0 (4.5–11.6)8.6 (3.2–14.1)21.5 (14.0–29.0)21.5 (7.0–36.1)8.6 (4.7–12.6)16.3 (9.5–23.2).0002d.0569
 Total score, mean (SD)NANA8.3 (8.1)10.3 (8.6)14.0 (8.6)14.3 (9.0)9.4 (7.6)11.9 (9.0)<.0001d.0084
WHODAS 2.0, mean (SD)g
 Total scoreNANA11.8 (16.0)14.0 (14.7)19.6 (19.1)19.3 (18.5)12.3 (15.3)12.4 (14.9)<.0001d.2727
 Days unable to conduct usual activities or work because of health conditionNANA2.3 (7.3)2.0 (6.1)4.8 (9.0)2.4 (3.4)2.1 (5.8)2.3 (6.1).0025e.8362
Ethanol use by drinkers, mean (SD), g/dhNANA50.3 (38.8)46.9 (36.1)87.6 (69.9)62.7 (58.6)52.6 (50.1)42.2 (50.3)<.0001d.5451
Chronic heavy drinking (≥100 g/d), % (95% CI)hNANA9.3 (4.2–14.5)10.8 (0.0–22.5)32.4 (22.5–42.3)22.2 (4.9–39.4)13.7 (7.7–19.7)8.8 (1.4–16.2)<.0001d.3814
Binge drinking (≥200 g/wk), % (95% CI)hNANA8.5 (3.4–13.6)15.0 (1.3–28.8)28.8 (19.2–38.4)21.3 (4.5–38.1)17.1 (10.5–23.7)7.2 (0.3–14.0)<.0001d.8955
  • BMI = body-mass-index; CIDI = Composite International Diagnostic Interview; GP = general practitioner; K10 = Kessler Psychological Distress Scale; NA = not applicable because this information has not been assessed by general practitioner; SES = socioeconomic status; WHODAS 2.0 = World Health Organization Disability Assessment Schedule 2.

    Notes: Confidence intervals are based on standard error. Data were derived from different sources: GP indicates that the general practitioner has provided the answer, whereas self indicates the information derives from the interviewed patient him/herself. GP and self means that both sources of information were used for the respective sample, ie, the GP response is displayed for the sample assessed by the general practitioner and the self response is displayed for the interviewed sample.

  • a Data were weighted with inverse sampling probabilities.

  • b Compares group means of patients diagnosed by GP and CIDI with patients diagnosed either by CIDI or GP only; controlled for age and sex.

  • c Compares group means of patients diagnosed by GP only with patients diagnosed by CIDI only; controlled for age and sex.

  • d P values significant for Bonferoni-adjusted thresholds: P <.01/16 = .000625.

  • e P values significant for Bonferoni-adjusted thresholds: P <.05/16 = .003125.

  • f K10 cutoff for severe mental distress was 21 points in a total score ranging from 0 to 40, where higher scores indicate more severe distress.

  • g WHODAS 2.0 total score ranges from 0 to 100, where higher scores indicate higher level of disability.

  • h Analyses were computed on patients reporting ethanol use of at least 10 g/d (remaining patients with alcohol dependence were abstaining).