Table 3

Meaningful Use Stage 2 Core and Menu Measures

Core measures (providers must meet all)
1Computerized provider order entry used for medication, laboratory, and radiology orders60%, 30%, 30%
2Permissible prescriptions generated and transmitted electronically50%
3Demographics recorded as structured data80%
4Changes in vital signs recorded and charted as structured data80%
5Smoking status recorded as structured data for patients ≥13 years80%
6Clinical decision support used to improve performance on high-priority health conditionsYes
7Patients given the ability to view, download, and transmit their health information within 4 days of its availability to the provider50%, 5%
8Patients given clinical visit summaries within 1 business day of a visit50%
9Electronic health information protected by appropriate technologyYes
10Clinical laboratory test results recorded as structured data55%
11Condition-specific patient lists generatedYes
12Clinically relevant information used to identify patients who should receive reminders for preventive or follow-up care10%
13Appropriate, patient-specific education resources identified10%
14Medication reconciliation performed50%
15Transition of care summary provided for each transition of care50%,10%
16Ongoing submission of electronic immunization data to immunization registriesYes
17Secure electronic messaging used to communicate with patients concerning relevant health information5%
Menu measures (providers must meet 3 of 6)
1Ongoing submission of syndromic surveillance data to public health agenciesYes
2Electronic progress notes entered into patient records30%
3Imaging results are accessible through certified electronic health record technology10%
4Patient family health histories recorded as structured data20%
5Ongoing submission ofcancer case information to a public health central cancer registryOngoing
6Ongoing submission of specific case information to a specialized registryOngoing