1. The clinical summary for patients should be pertinent to the office visit, not just an abstract from the medical record. |
2. Use computerized provider order entry for referrals/transition of care orders. |
3. Provide a summary of care record for each site transition or referral when transition or referral occurs with available information. |
4. Provider receiving referral acknowledges receipt of external information and provides referral results to the requesting provider, thereby beginning to close the loop. |
5. Electronic notification of a significant health care event in a timely manner to key members of the patient’s care team (significant event = arrival at an emergency department, admission to a hospital, discharge from an emergency department or hospital, or death). |
6. Generate lists of patients for multiple specific conditions and present near real-time patient-oriented dashboards. |
Note: The final list of proposed care coordination objectives that was submitted for consideration to the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology was updated and differs from this original list. The 3 referral-related objectives were merged under a single objective. Additionally, the objective that contained “real-time patient-oriented dashboards” was not included in the final list. (Source: HITPC Meaningful Use Stage 3 Final Recommendations. Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. http://www.healthit.gov/sites/faca/files/HITPC_MUWG_Stage3_Recs_2014-04-01.pdf. Published Apr 1, 2014. Accessed Mar 15, 2015.)