Definition of Uncontrolled Blood Pressure and Index | Unadjusted | Adjusteda | ||
Cut Point | Value | Cut Point | Value | |
24-hour ABP SBP ≥130 mm Hg | ||||
AUCb | ≥3 elevations | 0.712 | ≥3 elevations | 0.722 |
NRIc | ≥3 elevations | 0.005 | ≥3 elevations | 0.004 |
Category-free NRIc | ≥3 elevations | 0.010 | ≥2 elevations | 0.192 |
rIDId | ≥3 elevations | 1.021 | ≥3 elevations | 1.018 |
Deviancee | ≥3 elevations | 321.9 | ≥3 elevations | 321.1 |
24-hour ABP daytime SBP | ||||
≥135 mm Hg | ||||
AUCb | ≥2 elevations | 0.717 | ≥2 elevations | 0.724 |
NRIc | ≥2 elevations | 0.072 | ≥2 elevations | 0.072 |
Category-free NRIc | ≥2 elevations | 0.144 | ≥2 elevations | 0.137 |
rIDId | ≥2 elevations | 1.306 | ≥2 elevations | 1.237 |
Deviancee | ≥2 elevations | 331.9 | ≥2 elevations | 330.3 |
ABP = ambulatory blood pressure; AUC = area under the receiver operating characteristic curve; NRI = net reclassification index; rIDI = relative integrated discrimination improvement; SBP = systolic blood pressure.
↵a For age, sex, and body mass index.
↵b Criterion: largest value for receiver operating characteristic curve produced from all 10 cut points (≥1 elevations, ≥2 elevations, ≥3 elevations, …, ≥9 elevations, 10 elevations).
↵c Criterion: last classification before that producing first negative value.
↵d Criterion: last classification before that producing first value below unity.
↵e Model deviance, criterion: last classification before that producing first higher value.
Note: Elevated systolic blood pressure was defined as 24-hour ABP SBP ≥130 mm Hg or 24-hour ABP daytime SBP ≥135 mm Hg. Number of elevations was defined as number of elevations ≥135 mm Hg among the last 10 recordings of morning and evening home SBP.