Table 2

Patient Demographics at Times of Assessment

n = 1,919
n = 1,951
N = 3,870
χ2P Value
Age range, %4.6.33
 18–24 y8.768.068.41
 25–39 y20.9223.6122.27
 40–54 y36.2334.3735.30
 55–64 y21.5521.4221.49
 ≥65 y12.5312.5312.53
Sex, %38.4<0.001
Years of formal education, %0.9.81
 <High school3.963.833.89
 High school51.7050.3551.01
 Graduate school6.596.546.57
Smoking-related illness,a %0.7.41
Cigarettes per day, %2.5.29
Time to first morning cigarette, %7.9.005
 >30 minutes37.5942.0339.82
 ≤30 minutes62.4157.9760.18
Readiness to quit,b %0.1.81
 >30 days69.0568.6868.87
 next 30 days30.9531.3231.13
Average self-efficacy with quitting,c %0.2.64
 Low (1–6)86.1585.6085.88
 High (7–10)13.8514.4014.12
Anxiety/Depression, %0.3.57
Psychiatric Co-Morbidity, %0.8.38
Purpose of visit, %5.0.03
 Periodic exam19.1422.0720.64
  • a “Do you have… heart disease, stroke, heart failure/cancer/chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?” (1 = yes, 0 = no for each condition).

  • b “Which of the following best describes your feelings about smoking right now?” (responses: 1 = ready to quit in next 30 days, 0 = ready to quit in next 6 months or not ready to quit).

  • c ”On a scale of 1 to 10, how confident are you that you would be able to quit smoking at this time?” (1 = not at all confident, 10 = extremely confident).