Table 4

Implementation of Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation 10 Best Practices Before and After Intervention

Before InterventionAfter Intervention
Clinics with the OMSC 10 Best Practices implemented, by best practice, %
 1. Clinic task force formed3.193.8
 2. Clinic tobacco control protocol developed0.096.9
 3. Tobacco use queried and documented for all clinic patients28.181.3
 4. Training in tobacco dependence treatment offered to health care providers in last year28.190.6
 5. Staff trained and available to provide tobacco dependence treatment59.496.9
 6. Self-help materials readily available to patients, family members, and staff68.890.6
 7a. EMR or other real time prompt in place to inform clinician of patient smoking status3.190.6
 7b. EMR supports in place (smoking status identification, consult form, etc)3.193.8
 8. Process to follow-up tobacco users for at least 1 month after clinic visit in place43.893.8
 9. Process to evaluate quality or program implementation in place3.171.9
 10. Process to provide feedback to clinicians about performance in place3.181.3
Average number of best practices implemented, No.2.48.9
Clinics with 10 best practices implemented, %0.059.3
  • EMR = electronic medical record; OMSC = Ottawa Model for Smoking Cessation.

  • Note: Based on data from 32 primary care practices.