Descriptive Summary of the Characteristics of Included Studies
Study, Year | Patients, No. | Setting, Population | Intervention | Control | Duration of Peer Training | Peer Supervision | Attendance Rates, Intensity |
Keyserling et al,23 2002 | 133 | United States: African American women Mean HbA1c 11.1% | Same as control; also 3 group sessions and monthly telephone calls from a peer counselor for 12 mo 7 peer counselors for 67 patients | Individual counseling visits with nutritionist at mo 1, 2, 3, and 4 | 16 h | None reported | 81% of participants attended at least 1 peer counselor session, 30% attended 2 sessions, and 19% attended 3 sessions Average phone calls per participant: 9.7 |
Lorig et al,26 2008 | 417 | United States: Spanish-speaking patients Mean HbA1c 7.41% | 6-wk program: 2.5 h weekly led by 2 peer leaders 2 peers per 10–15 patients | Usual care | 24 h | Random observations | Not reported |
Lorig et al,25 2009 | 345 | United States: white, non-Hispanic patients 67% Mean HbA1C 6.72% | 6-wk program: 2.5 h weekly led by 2 peer leaders 2 peers per 10–15 patients | Usual care | 24 h | Random observations | Mean attendance of 4.9 of 6 sessions |
Dale et al,32 2009 | 187 | United Kingdom: white, non-Hispanic patients 96.65% Mean HbA1c 8.55% | Peer supporter called participants after change in their diabetes care at days 7–10, 14–18, 28–35, 56–70, 120–150 1 peer called median of 10 patients | Usual care | 2-d training program developed for the study | None reported | Mean number of calls each patient received: 4.5 (range = 1–6 calls; SD, 2.2) |
Cade et al,31 2009 | 207 | United Kingdom: white, European-origin patients 95% Mean HbA1C 7.4% | Peer educators delivered 2-h education sessions per week for 7 wk 5 peer educators for 86 participants | Usual care | Residential training course provided by the Expert Patients Programme of the National Health Service | None reported | Of 110 participants in intervention group, 18 attended only 1 session and 22 attended all 7 sessions 63 participants attended final diabetes-specific session |
Heisler et al,22 2010 | 244 | United States: Male veterans, white non-Hispanic 82% Mean HbA1c 7.97% | Peer partners encouraged to call weekly Three optional 1.5-h face-to-face sessions at 1, 3, and 6 mo | Usual care | Initial 1.5-h training in peer communication skills | Interactive voice response–facilitated telephone platform recorded call initiation, frequency, and duration | 90% of peer pairs had at least 1 conversation; average number of calls per pair per month was 2.4, 1.7, 1.4, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8 for 6 consecutive mo |
Philis-Tsimikas et al,27 t2011 | 207 | United States: Mexican Americans Mean HbA1c 10.4% | Weekly 2.5-h education sessions by peer educators for 8 wk | Usual care | 40 h of training, plus trainees cotaught 2 series of classes with their trainer and taught 2 series on their own, under observation by the trainer | Classes were audio-recorded and reviewed using checklists | Not reported |
Smith et al,34 2011 | 388 | Republic of Ireland: Cluster randomized 50% population low income Ireland general demographics 94.3% white non-Hispanic Mean HbA1c 7.2% | 9 peer supporter–facilitated sessions over 2 y; at mo 1, at mo 2, and every 3 mo thereafter | Usual care | Two 3-h evening training sessions conducted by research teams | Meetings were recorded | Participants attended mean of 5 peer support meetings; 18% never attended a meeting |
Long et al,24 2012 | 77 | United States: African American veterans Mean HbA1c 9.85% | Weekly telephone calls by peer mentors; 34 mentors and 39 participants | Usual care | Single 1-h one-on-one training session | No supervision | First month, average of 4 calls/mo; by 6 mo, average of 2 calls/mo |
Gagliardino et al,37 2013 | 198 | Argentina: Hispanic, nonminority in country of residence Mean HbA1c 7.2% | 4 weekly peer educator sessions of 90–120 min initially; 1 at 6 mo followed by weekly calls for 6 mo then biweekly calls for 3 mo Additional face-to-face visits among peers and their supportees were scheduled every second month if specific issues warranted | 4 weekly sessions of 90–120 min initially; 1 at 6 mo by educators | 3-d intensive, structured, small group interactive course | Diabetes knowledge of participants tested with multiple-choice questionnaire | Not reported |
Siminerio et al,29 2013 | 68 | United States: white non-Hispanic ethnicity >80% Mean HbA1c 8.65% | Same as control followed by monthly peer calls for 6 mo for diabetes self-management support | 6 wk of CDE diabetes self-management education intervention | 1-d peer training workshop for CDE with companion workbook-CDE then trained peers in 2-3–h small sessions | Contact logs for communications; goal selections were tracked | Average of 5.03 calls per participant by peer supporter lasting approximately 25–30 min |
Thom et al,30 2013 | 299 | United States: Hispanic 46.65%, African American 31.25%; coded as predominantly Hispanic Mean HbA1c 9.95% | Telephone contacts with peers at least twice a month and 2 or more in-person contacts in 6 mo Coaches worked with median of 7 patients | Usual care | 36 h of training over 8 wk in either English or Spanish | Not reported | Median of 5 (range = 0–29) interactions with the peer health coach 123 patients (83%) had at least 1 interaction; most interactions (76.6%) were by telephone, and the remainder were in person |
Chan et al,36 2014 | 628 | China: Chinese speaking 100% Mean HbA1c 8.2% | Same as control and peer supporter telephone calls: biweekly for 3 mo, then monthly for 3 mo, and then 1 call every other month for 6 mo; anticipated 15 min per call | Comprehensive assessment, personalized report, 2-h nurse-led empowerment class, follow-up primary care visit with repeated laboratory assessment and mailing of follow-up reports | Four 8-h training sessions | Peer supporter completed and mailed checklists to document discussion items, duration of each call, and relevant remarks every 3 mo | Median of 20 calls per patient |
Simmons et al,33 2015 | 644 | England: Cluster randomized factorial design; white, non-Hispanic >90% Mean HbA1c 7.3% | Peer-led group education sessions once a month for at least 5 mo and telephone/e-mail for 1:1 counseling | Usual care | Main training 14 h plus 3.5 h diabetes education session | Not reported | 61.5% participants attended at least 1 education session; most participants had telephone or e-mail contacts with peers Mean number of group attendances: 3.7 |
Safford et al,28 2015 | 424 | United States: cluster randomized trial; African American >90% Mean HbA1c 7.9% | Same as control and initial 45–60–min in-person or telephone get-to-know session with peer supporter followed by weekly calls for 2 mo followed by monthly calls for 8 mo | 1 h of group diabetes education class, 5-min counseling session, and diabetes report card | 12 h over 2 d | Contacts documented on forms and random contacts with intervention participants | Mean number of contacts: 13.3 (SD, 8.1) 8.3% of participants had no contacts |
Ayala et al,21 2015 | 336 | United States: predominantly Hispanic Mean HbA1c 8.7% | 8 telephone or in-person contacts with peer supporter in first 6 mo, then as needed contacts in the last 6 mo; 92% of participants had telephone contacts 5–8 patients per peer leader | Usual care | 40–50 h | Contact logs maintained and tracked by peer leader coordinator | Median number of contacts per participant: 4 (range = 1–24) 7% received no intervention |
McGowan,35 2015 | 361 | Canada: race/ethnicity not given Mean HbA1c 7.19% | Two participant groups received 2 varied types of peer-led self-management programs with varying components: weekly meetings for 6 wk | Usual care | 24 h | Session attendance was logged | Mean attendance for intervention group: 5 sessions |
CDE = certified diabetes educator; HbA1c = hemoglobin A1c.