Table 1

Key Model Parameters

ParameterValueSensitivity RangeaSource
Aspirin for primary prevention of CVD and colorectal cancer
Colorectal cancer incidence >10 y, RR0.600.76/0.47Chubak27,28
Cardiovascular disease death, RR1.001.00/0.97Guirguis-Blake29,30
Gastrointestinal bleed, RR1.581.95/1.29Whitlock31,32
Hemorrhagic stroke, RR1.271.68/1.00Whitlock31,32
Ischemic stroke, nonfatal, RR0.860.98/0.76Guirguis-Blake29,30
Myocardial infarction, nonfatal, RR0.830.94/0.74Guirguis-Blake29,30
Cost per screening, $29.23± 25%See text
Treatment cost, annual, $18.23± 25%See text
Cholesterol screening
High-density lipoprotein, median treatment efficacy, mg/dL+1.6Not considered4S,33 Downs,34 Holdaas,32 Sever,33 Knopp,37 MRC/BHF,38 LIPID,39 Shepherd40,41
Low-density lipoprotein, median treatment efficacy, mg/dL−49.9Not considered4S,33 Downs,34 Holdaas,32 Sever,33 Knopp,37 MRC/BHF,38 LIPID,39 Shepherd40,41
Cost per screening, $55.56± 25%See text
Treatment and management cost, annual, $528.00± 25%See text
Hypertension screening
Systolic blood pressure, median treatment efficacy, mm Hg−6.5Not consideredLiu,42 Beckett,43 MRC,44 MRC,45 PROGRESS,46 SHEP,47 Dahlof,48 Liu,49 Staessen50
Cost per screening, $29.23± 25%See text
Treatment and management annual cost, $278.52± 25%See text
All services
Aspirin use rate, primary/secondary prevention, %77/86± 10% pointsNHIS51
Blood pressure and lipid medication use rates, primary/secondary prevention, %
 Age 18–39 y62/77± 10% pointsNHANES5256
 Age 40–64 y84/89± 10% pointsNHANES5256
 Age >65 y94/97± 10% pointsNHANES5256
Myocardial infarction cost, 1st y/ongoing, $37,095/2,490± 25%AHRQ/MEPS57
Myocardial infarction QALY decrement, 1st y/ongoing0.3 (3 mo)/0.0± 0.1 QALYMaciosek58
Screening and counseling acceptance rate, %90± 10% pointsAssumed
Stroke cost, 1st y/ongoing, $18,192/5,389± 25%AHRQ/MEPS57
Stroke QALY decrement, 1st y/ongoing0.4/0.4± 0.1 QALYMaciosek58
Treatment effectiveness, %70± 10% pointsCalibrated assumption
  • 4S = Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study; AHRQ = Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; CVD = cardiovascular disease; MEPS = Medical Expenditure Panel Survey; NCEP = National Cholesterol Education Program; NCHS = National Center for Health Statistics; NHANES = National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey; QALY = quality-adjusted life years; RR = relative risk; SHEP = Systolic Hypertension in the Elderly Program.

  • a The sensivity range indicates the lower and upper bounds (ie, worst case/best case) used in the deterministic sensitivity analysis.