Table 1

Parent Characteristics (N = 401)

CharacteristicParents, No. (%)General Public, %a
Female309 (77)51
Age-group, y
 ≤255 (1)14
 26–3584 (21)18
 36–45248 (62)19
 46–5559 (15)18
 ≥565 (1)32
Born in Australia309 (77)
English spoken as main language at home380 (95)
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander7 (2)3
Current living situation
 Married or living with partner355 (89)
 Sole caregiving responsibility39 (10)
 Other7 (2)
Highest level of education
 Primary school1 (0)5
 Junior high school15 (4)17
 Senior high school50 (13)38
 Trade or apprenticeship31 (8)
 Diploma or certificate103 (26)21
 Bachelor’s degree133 (33)11
 Post-graduate degree68 (17)4
Employment status
 Full time (>30 h/wk)146 (36)
 Part time (<30 h/wk)139 (35)
 Casual employment29 (7)
 Not currently in paid employment86 (21)5.7
Number of children ≤12 years, mean (SD) [range]2 (0.85)
Annual gross household income, $b
 <20,00011 (3)
 20,001–40,00024 (6)
 40,001–60,00034 (9)
 60,001–80,00044 (11)
 80,001–100,00063 (16)
 100,001–140,000115 (29)
 140,001–180,00052 (13)
 >180,00033 (8)
Health Care Card holderc72 (18)
Time since most recent visit to doctor for child with AOM, sore throat, or acute cough, median (IQR), wk43
Age of child at last visit, median (IQR), y6 (3–8)
  • AOM = acute otitis media; IQR = interquartile range.

  • a From the Australian Bureau of Statistics, for comparison.

  • b In Australian dollars. Mean yearly income was $107,276.

  • c Concession for access to Australian Medicare.