Table 1

Characteristics of General Practitioners and Patients

CharacteristicOverallGroup P Value
General practitioners, No.  77  40  37
Men, No. (%)  42 (54.6)  23 (57.5)  19 (51.3).59
Age, mean (SD), y  48.3 (9.2)  47.8 (9.0)  48.9 (9.5).60
Group practice, No. (%)a  51 (66.2)  27 (67.5)  24 (64.9).81
Self-employed, No. (%)  65 (85.5)  32 (82.1)  33 (89.2).38
Teaching role, No. (%)b  32 (41.6)  18 (45.0)  14 (37.9).52
Work setting
 Rural, No. (%) 9 (11.7) 4 (10.0) 5 (13.5).73
 Semirural, No. (%)  37 (48.0)  18 (45.0)  19 (51.4)
 Urban, No. (%)  31 (40.3)  18 (45.0)  13 (35.1)
Number of patients enrolled, mean (SD) 3.4 (2.1) 3.5 (2.2) 3.3 (2.0).60
Patients, No.262141121
Men, No. (%)169 (64.5)  89 (63.1)  80 (66.1).61
 Mean (SD), y  20.60 (2.6)  20.88 (2.7)  20.28 (2.6).07
 <18 y, No. (%)  47 (18.0)  20 (14.3)  27 (22.3).09
Marital status, No. (%)
 Single211 (81.2)108 (77.7)103 (84.3).31
 Married  49 (18.9)  31 (22.3)  18 (14.9)
 Divorced/separated 2 (0.8) 1 (0.7) 1 (0.9)
Lodging status, No. (%)
 Cohabiting202 (77.1)106 (75.2) 96 (79.3).42
 Living alone  63 (24.1)  37 (26.2)  26 (21.5).37
Employment status, No. (%)
 Working147 (56.1) 82 (58.2) 65 (53.7).07
 No occupation 7 (2.7) 5 (3.6) 2 (1.7)
 Student108 (41.2)  54 (38.3)  54 (44.6)
Psychotropic medication use, No. (%)c  10 (3.8) 6 (4.3) 4 (3.3).69
Cannabis use
 Joints per mo, median (IQR)  20 (6–60)  30 (6–80)  20 (5–40).08
 ≥30 joints per mo, No. (%)121 (46.2)  73 (51.8)  48 (39.7).05
 Use bongs, No. (%)  39 (14.9)  27 (19.2)  12 (9.9).04
 Age at first use, mean (SD), y  15.15 (1.9)  15.24 (2.1)  15.04 (1.6).40
Alcohol use
 Used in past month, No. (%)204 (77.9)110 (78.0)  94 (77.7).94
 Quantity: glasses/wk, median (IQR) 6 (2–10) 5 (2–10)  7.5 (3–14).02
Tobacco use
 Used in past month, No. (%)240 (91.6)124 (87.9)116 (95.7).02
 Quantity: cigarettes/wk, median (IQR)  60 (30–82)  60 (35–100)  60 (28–78).60
Experimented with other drugs, No. (%)111 (42.4)  59 (41.8)  52 (43.0).85
  • IQR = interquartile range.

  • a Any practice other than solo practice.

  • b Taught students in his or her practice.

  • c Anxiolytics prescribed by the general practitioner.