Table 1

Participant Characteristics (N=19)

Age, mean (range), y43 (23–94)
Female, n (%)  9 (47)
Hispanic, n (%)  1 (5)
Race, n (%)
 Black  8 (42)
 White  9 (47)
 Other  2 (11)
Location during visit, n (%)
 Home13 (68)
 Office  6 (32)
Insurance, n (%)
 HMO/PPO/Private12 (63)
 Medicaid  1 (5)
 Medicare  3 (16)
 Medicare/Other  2 (11)
 Unknown  1 (5)
Education, n (%)
 High school / GED / Some college  5 (26)
 College  6 (32)
 Postgraduate degree  8 (42)
Employment status, n (%)
 Employed13 (68)
 Retired  1 (5)
 Student  1 (5)
 Disabled  1 (5)
 Unemployed  3 (16)
Household income (yearly), n (%)
 <$10,000  1 (5)
 $10,000–24,999  2 (11)
 $25,000–49,999  4 (21)
 $50,000–99,999  6 (32)
 $100,000  4 (21)
 Unknown  2 (11)
Available technology, n (%)
 Computer with video camera18 (95)
 Smartphone14 (74)
 Tablet12 (63)
Devices used for past video calls, n (%)
 Computer with video camera12 (63)
 Smartphone14 (74)
 Tablet  6 (32)
Reason for video visit, n (%)
 Chronic disease management  9 (47)
 Short-term follow-up of recent acute issue  7 (37)
 Review of lab results  2 (11)
 New acute issue  1 (5)