Table 1

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria for Included Studies

Aspect ConsideredInclusion CriteriaExclusion Criteria
SettingPrimary health careaOther settings
PopulationPrimary care population not depressed at baselinebPrimary care population depressed at baseline
Type of interventionPsychological or educational interventioncPharmacological and physical interventions
ComparatorCare as usual, no intervention, waiting list, attention control, or placeboOther controls
DesignRCTOther designs
OutcomePrevention of depression (incidence of depression or reduction of depressive symptoms)Other outcomes
LanguageAll languagesNo restrictions
  • RCT = randomized controlled trial.

  • a All patients included in the RCTs must be recruited in primary care, health centers, or general practices.

  • b The entire spectrum of nondepressed patients included ranges from nondepressive symptoms (0 symptoms) to subthreshold forms of depression (eg, minor depression or subsyndromal depression).

  • c Educational interventions provide information about depression through lectures or fact sheets, whereas psychological interventions attempt to change how people think using a variety of different strategies (eg, cognitive behavioral or interpersonal therapy).