Required Measures | Domain(s) |
Change Process Capacity Questionnaire | Practice capacity |
Measurement of adaptive reserve | Practice capacity |
National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey Electronic Medical Records questionnaire (2010) | Internal context (includes practice organization, staffing, and patient population, and an assessment of the degree of EHR adoption of each practice and the ability of the practice to report quality measures) |
Concurrent practice improvement initiatives | External context (for example, QIO/QINs, CMMI, CPCI, and TCPI) |
Supporting strategies | External context (for example, pay-for-performance and public reporting initiatives) |
Implementation and adaptation of comprehensive approach to quality improvement support | Possible aspects to address: acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, implementation costs, and sustainability |
Intervention tracking | Specific strategies used with individual primary care practices (adaptation to local circumstances was allowed) |
CMMI=Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation; CPCI=Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative; EHR=electronic health record; QIN=Quality Innovation Network; QIO=Quality Improvement Organization; TCPI=Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative.