Table 1

Characteristics of Participating EvidenceNOW Study Practices (N = 1,181)

CharacteristicNo. (%)
Practice factor
Practice size
 Solo practice241 (20.4)
 2–5 clinicians558 (47.2)
 6–10 clinicians174 (14.7)
 ≥11 clinicians143 (12.1)
Practice ownership
 Clinician owned436 (36.9)
 Hospital, health system275 (23.3)
 FQHC, RHC, IHS, federala286 (24.2)
 Other, noneb133 (11.3)
 Urban core733 (62.1)
 Large town171 (14.5)
 Rural area191 (16.2)
 Suburban86 (7.3)
Medically underserved area classification410 (34.7)
External factor
Received external incentives in prior 12 mo602 (51.0)
Participation in other demonstration projects4369 (31.2)
Patient-centered medical home recognition481 (40.7)
Part of an accountable care organization452 (38.3)
Internal factor
Major disruption(s) in prior 12 mo5
 No major disruption433 (36.7)
 One major disruption412 (34.9)
 More than one major disruption246 (20.8)
Health information technology characteristics
Completely electronic health record61,030 (87.2)
Time on EHR
 ≤3 y324 (27.4)
 4–6 y344 (29.1)
 >6 y365 (30.9)
ONC-certified EHR972 (82.3)
Participation in Meaningful Use
 Not participating189 (16.0)
 Stage 1 only139 (11.8)
 Stage 1 and stage 2722 (61.1)
Physical location of data
 Server in practice436 (36.9)
 In cloud with vendor246 (20.8)
 Health system data warehouse229 (19.4)
 Do not know where data reside111 (9.4)
Shares patient health information electronically762 (64.5)
Clinical laboratories incorporated as structured data965 (81.7)
Use of EHR data for quality improvement, reporting
Produced quality report(s) in prior 6 mo741 (62.7)
Report CQMs
 Practice level867 (73.4)
 Clinician level881 (74.6)
EHR vendor helps produce CQM reports
 Yes, with restrictions226 (19.1)
 Yes, with no restrictions287 (24.3)
 No163 (13.8)
 Do not know211 (17.9)
Outside organization helps EHR data capture731 (61.9)
Ability to create CQM reports
 No ability206 (17.4)
 In-house clinician or other staff member writes reports305 (25.8)
 Outside service/consultant writes reports438 (37.1)
Routinely discuss clinical quality data
 Never115 (9.7)
 Infrequently294 (24.9)
 Often425 (36.0)
 Not applicable, solo practice83 (7.0)
 Do not know98 (8.3)
Use of at least 1 registry781 (66.1)
Guidelines for CVD9 prevention
 Not used or clinician agreement to use390 (33.0)
 Included in EHR prompts or standing orders719 (60.9)
Guidelines for CVD management
 Not used or clinician agreement to use436 (36.9)
 Included in EHR prompts or standing orders673 (57.0)
  • CPCQ = Change Process Capability Questionnaire, CQM = clinical quality measure, CVD = cardiovascular disease, EHR = electronic health record, FQHC = federally qualified health center, IHS = Indian Health Services clinic, ONC = Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, RHC = rural health clinic.

  • Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% because of missing data. Only practices with complete CPCQ strategies scores are included. Additional characteristics of the practices involved in EvidenceNOW are located in the Supplemental Appendix, at

  • a Federally qualified health centers, rural health clinics, Indian Health Services clinics and Veterans Affairs, military, Department of Defense, or other federally owned practices.

  • b Practices with nonfederal, private/nonclinician, academic, or tribal ownership, those indicating “other” without specifying an ownership type, and practices responding no to every ownership type.

  • c Determined using rural-urban commuting area codes.

  • d State Innovation Models Initiative, Comprehensive Primary Care Initiative, Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, community health worker training program, Blue Cross Blue Shield Patient-Centered Medical Home program, and Million Hearts.

  • e New EHR, new billing system, moved locations, staff turnover, and purchased by or affiliated with larger organization.