Table 2

Baseline Participant Knee Osteoarthritis Severity Scores

Type of ScoreTotal
(n = 326)
Intervention Group
(n = 160)
Control Group
(n = 166)
P Valuea
OA knee painb intensity, mean (SD)63.1 (17.4)62.6 (17.5)63.6 (17.4).636
Kellgren–Lawrence Grade, No. (%).861
 1 (Doubtful JSN, possible osteophytic lipping)78 (24.3%)38 (23.9%)40 (24.7%)
 2 (Definite osteophytes, possible JSN on anteroposterior weight-bearing radiograph)153 (47.7%)80 (50.3%)73 (45.1%)
 3 (Multiple osteophytes, definite JSN, sclerosis, possible bony deformity)78 (24.3%)36 (22.6%)42 (25.9%)
 4 (Large osteophytes, marked JSN, severe sclerosis and definitely bony)12 (3.7%)5 (3.1%)7 (4.3%)
Patella position, mean (SD)0.90 (0.24)0.91 (0.24)0.90 (0.24).751
Degree of pain-free active knee flexion, mean (SD)124.0 (15.0)125.8 (12.4)124.1 (17.1).380
  • JSN = joint space narrowing; OA = osteoarthritis; SD = standard deviation.

  • a Two samples t-test for continuous variable, χ2 test for categorical variable

  • b Visual analog scale 0-100 mm