Table 1

Examples of Terms Related to Nonbinary Gender Identities14

Gender Identity Term Description
AgenderDescribes a person who identifies as having no gender.
BigenderDescribes a person whose gender identity is a combination of 2 genders.
Gender fluidDescribes a person whose gender identity is not fixed; for example a person who feels more like one gender some of the time, and another gender at other times.
Gender nonconformingDescribes a person whose gender expression differs from societal norms for girls/women and boys/men.
GenderqueerDescribes a person whose gender identity falls outside the traditional binary gender paradigm of either girl/woman or boy/man.
NonbinaryDescribes a person whose gender identity falls outside the traditional binary gender paradigm of either girl/woman or boy/man, or who rejects the concept of gender. Sometimes abbreviated to NB or “enby.”
PangenderDescribes a person whose gender identity comprises more than 1 gender.
TransfeminineDescribes a person assigned male sex at birth who identifies with femininity to a greater extent than with masculinity.
TransmasculineDescribes a person assigned female sex at birth who identifies with masculinity to a greater extent than with femininity.
Two SpiritDescribes a person who embodies both a masculine and a feminine spirit. This is a culture-specific term used among Native American and American Indian people.