Political advocacy is increasingly important in residency education for the next generation of family physicians to learn how to promote health interventions for our patients and our communities; it includes promoting our specialty which most directly addresses these needs. Through political advocacy, residents learn aspects of community health, population management, and leadership to effect change in health systems. The AFMRD will assist family medicine residencies to provide their residents the opportunity to participate in political advocacy by offering annual scholarships to the Family Medicine Congressional Conference (FMCC) held every May. from every
Sponsored by the AAFP and the Council of Academic Family Medicine (CAFM), the FMCC educates participants about the fundamentals of advocacy, the legislative process, and up-to-date information about current priorities for family medicine and our patients. Residents then receive practical, hands-on experience by engaging legislators in these issues, powerfully sharing their experience and inspiring change. Alongside family medicine leaders, residents learn how to be effective in Washington DC and at home.
Since 2011, the AFMRD has offered 10 scholarships each year for residents to attend the FMCC. Comments from scholarship winners include:
“… the FMCC experience taught me that there is much more I can do about inequalities in health care than I thought. I am now a part of the solution.” Christina Chavez-Johnson MD, University of California at San Francisco, Fresno
“Our patients’ health, and the equity and stability of our health care system, depend on all of us doing our share … the first step begins with you!” Lauren S. Hughes, MD, MPH, University of Washington Department of Family Medicine
“We need to be heard for the protection of our profession, our patients, [and] our health.” Elizabeth Lynn, MD, South Nassau Communities Hospital Family Medicine Residency
“Attending the FMCC was a great learning experience, but more importantly it rekindled my passion for the field of family medicine.” Jeanine Spielberger, MD, Banner Good Samaritan Family Medicine
The AFMRD plans to continue to sponsor resident scholarships for $1,500 each to help cover travel and FMCC conference costs. The call for applications occurs in the fall each year. Applications require a Program Director letter of support, the candidate’s statement of interest, and completion of the STFM On-line Advocacy Course. The deadline for applications is in December with announcement of winners in January. Selection of resident scholarship winners from across the country is based upon their commitment to legislative advocacy. The selection committee also makes efforts to select a group of winners that represents geographic diversity. Scholarship winners will be invited to attend a function during the conference to meet other awardees and will be required to submit a report afterwards, including a presentation of their experience to their home program.
AFMRD is committed to providing opportunities to teach leadership and advocacy. We hope you will take advantage of this opportunity by encouraging residents to apply. Finally, based on the large pool of enthusiastic applicants we received in the last 2 years, there is a clear need and desire for more resident participation in this conference. The AFMRD encourages programs to not only promote this opportunity, but to consider using local resources to create more scholarships to support resident attendance.
- © 2013 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc.