Article Figures & Data
Supplemental Appendixes 1-2
Supplemental Appendix 1. Focus Group Questionnaire; Supplemental Appendix 2. Focus Group Guide
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental data: Appendixes 1-2 - PDF file, 4 pages
The Article in Brief
Health Information Seeking, Receipt, and Use in Diabetes Self-Management
Daniel R. Longo , and colleagues
Background Self-management is one of the keys to diabetes care, yet little is known about patient preferences for sources of health information, the extent to which patients seek information directly, or whether they receive information passively through various media sources. This study set out to identify how individuals with diabetes seek and use health care information.
What This Study Found Diabetes patients make decisions about disease self-management based on their current needs. They seek out information and receive it passively. Some of this information comes from diverse sources not traditionally viewed as providing health information, including the Internet, television, newspapers, and friends.
- The researchers propose a more dynamic model of health-seeking behavior that reflects its nonlinear nature and the interplay of both active information seeking and passive receipt of information.