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New Pathways for Primary Care: An Update on Primary Care Programs From the Innovation Center at CMS
Richard J. Baron
Background The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation (Innovation Center) was created by the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to test new models of health care delivery to improve the quality of care while lowering costs. This report highlights some of the Center's new primary care programs and initiatives.
What This Study Found The Innovation Center is testing new payment and service delivery models, relying on collaboration among multiple stakeholders in the interest of better, more affordable patient care. Specific initiatives include a Multi-Payer Advanced Primary Care demonstration, a Federally Qualified Health Center demonstration, and a Comprehensive Primary Care initiative testing whether larger, strategic investment in primary care will lead to improved health at lower overall costs.
- By changing delivery models and moving to a payment model that rewards physicians for quality of care instead of volume of care, the United States may be able to achieve the kind of health care patients want to receive and primary care physicians want to provide.