The Maurice Wood Award for Lifetime Contribution to Primary Care Research is given annually to honor a researcher who has made outstanding contributions to primary care research over the course of a lifetime. Scientists from all nations, working in all professional fields and scientific disciplines, are eligible to receive the Wood Award, which is presented at the NAPCRG Annual Meeting, November 19-23 (fully virtual) The award is named in honor of Maurice Wood, a pioneer in primary care research and a founder of NAPCRG.
NAPCRG solicits nominees for the annual Wood Award from members and other professionals. To nominate an individual for the 2021 Wood Award, complete the nomination form at the link below, upload a CV and a letter describing the nominee’s contributions to primary care research and state why the person should be a candidate. Nominations must be received by August 31, 2021.
Past recent recipients include esteemed leaders in the field such as Paul Stephen Little, MD, MSc (2020), William R. Phillips, MD, MPH (2019), Kurt Stange, MD, PhD (2018), and Moira Stewart, PhD (2017).
Nominee Criteria
The Nominee can be from any nation, profession, or scientific discipline
The Nominee should be a primary care or family medicine researcher
The Nominee must be living at the time of nomination
Nominees will be evaluated on:
Overall body of lifetime work
Personal research achievements
Contributions to building primary care research
The Wood Award is supported by donations from friends of primary care research across North America and around the world, including NAPCRG members and the Georgia Health Sciences University’s Department of Family Medicine in the Medical College of Georgia and the Medical College of Georgia Foundation Hames Endowment.
Nominations may be submitted online
If you have questions about the Maurice Wood Award, contact Julie Sutter, via email jsutter{at}
- © 2021 Annals of Family Medicine, Inc.