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- Page navigation anchor for RE: Effective Facilitator Strategies for Supporting Primary Care Practice Change: A Mixed Methods StudyRE: Effective Facilitator Strategies for Supporting Primary Care Practice Change: A Mixed Methods Study
As undergraduates enrolled in a course exploring primary care across countries, we were tasked with analyzing your article for points of curiosity and directions for future research. First, we had some questions regarding facilitator training logistics and execution. Was a standardized process employed to ensure that all facilitators received similar training? Under what conditions, mode, and timing was training delivered to each facilitator? Second, this project was funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (ARHQ), and we are curious about the transferability to other primary settings due to costs. Do the authors consider cost to be one of the most significant limitations when it comes to expanding the use of facilitators to other settings? Do financial concerns prevent and/or limit facilitator training from being more widespread? Would it be sustainable and feasible to connect primary care practice facilitators through technologies such as Zoom? Thank you for considering our questions.
Competing Interests: None declared.